You've heard the debate no doubt and if not take a wee gander here. and here
Games have given us the opportunity to blow the heads of child-like beings, batter prostitutes to death with baseball bats and garotte, blow up and disembowel our foes. Many game titles have placed us in the contentious role of Western soldiers slaughtering our arab and muslim brothers. Resident evil 4 placed us in Spain killing Spanish people.
But when the imagery of a game becomes so unbalanced as Resi 5 appears to be (no one knows what the final game will play like) and people are openly condemned for voicing their opinion on that imagery, then it's time to shout even louder.
I dont' for a minute think that the Japanese developers Capcom purposely set out to cause offence, but I find it hard to believe not one of them considered the loaded imagery as being powerful enough to provoke. If the final game content plays anything like the trailers and the game passes the censors office then censorship ain't worth squat!!! and this gamer won't be adding to Capcoms coffers... they'll be plenty of zombies to kill elsewhere.