Have you played this Elderly? After I played the demo Ive been afraid to actually buy this one... I was not pleased with the demo, but not sure if the final version was any better?
Are you playing on PC or 360? Im on 360, If I can manage a decent pic off my tv I will have to post my character one of these days.. Well Im off to exchange the 360- catchya' later.
good luck with the handover, hope you get a brand spanking new one back. Playing on the 360, eating out of boxes, with the telephone of the hook and the lights turned off. They ridiculed Howard Hughes for less.
When I took it in they put it through testing 101.. At first nothing seemed wrong with it and they just looked at me funny... Then they put in another game and it wouldnt even read it ( thank goodness ) and then they still were not satisfied- more testing and finally some red lights started flashing ( which never happened with me, but couldnt come at a better time )! I reminded them once again that I purchased a 2 year exchange warranty no matter what the problem is I get a new one - and with that I did!!
I actually need to play some more Oblivion myself- with around 300 hrs in I havent even started the main quest.... Im a Wood Elf that loves to explore a little to much! I figured this way when Im tired of exploring I will always have the main quest left to do! Well its 2am here (Yawn) catchya' later.
(elderly offers a sacrifice to the god of red lights)
The red light timing was excellent. I've gotten about half-wasy through the main quest, but holding back as I want the experience to last. 16 gates closed, explore between side quests and stocking my alchemy larder. Main character is a female nord with blue hair and a penchant for vampire hunting.
Must I remind you, there is no finish... so you wont have to worry about the rehab!! ;)
Male Wood Elf with black/blue hair.. Right around level 39 I think? Loves to hunt the children of the night- now that I can use the Cure Disease spell its the end for them!
It's almost an adventure!!
(Mind you the last Hitman I played was no. 2 and it was barely decent)
Why, thanks Mr. Elderly. On with the drinking now. Good morning.
LOL! adventure yes it is, I hope I haven't worn you out,
next week Hitman origami models
The elderly as original as a coke bottle top
(unfortunately the russian vodka bottle was a minature)
Just pictured the scene.
Funny, it is dear Anakin.
Thanks for walkthrough links elderly. I SUCK at the Hitman games and need some good guidance.
I always wanted to be good at hitman, but I'm afraid my idea of running in and shooting everything on site, isn't compatible with the style of play.
Have you played this Elderly? After I played the demo Ive been afraid to actually buy this one... I was not pleased with the demo, but not sure if the final version was any better?
ditto on the demo, worth a weekend rental, plus at the rate I'm going I won't be playing anything else but oblivion, I can't put it down.
Are you playing on PC or 360? Im on 360, If I can manage a decent pic off my tv I will have to post my character one of these days..
Well Im off to exchange the 360- catchya' later.
good luck with the handover, hope you get a brand spanking new one back. Playing on the 360, eating out of boxes, with the telephone of the hook and the lights turned off. They ridiculed Howard Hughes for less.
When I took it in they put it through testing 101.. At first nothing seemed wrong with it and they just looked at me funny... Then they put in another game and it wouldnt even read it ( thank goodness ) and then they still were not satisfied- more testing and finally some red lights started flashing ( which never happened with me, but couldnt come at a better time )! I reminded them once again that I purchased a 2 year exchange warranty no matter what the problem is I get a new one - and with that I did!!
I actually need to play some more Oblivion myself- with around 300 hrs in I havent even started the main quest.... Im a Wood Elf that loves to explore a little to much! I figured this way when Im tired of exploring I will always have the main quest left to do!
Well its 2am here (Yawn) catchya' later.
(elderly offers a sacrifice to the god of red lights)
The red light timing was excellent. I've gotten about half-wasy through the main quest, but holding back as I want the experience to last. 16 gates closed, explore between side quests and stocking my alchemy larder. Main character is a female nord with blue hair and a penchant for vampire hunting.
I'll probably nee rehab, if I ever finish this.
Must I remind you, there is no finish... so you wont have to worry about the rehab!! ;)
Male Wood Elf with black/blue hair.. Right around level 39 I think?
Loves to hunt the children of the night- now that I can use the Cure Disease spell its the end for them!
death to vampires.....though that neck biting
(secures garlic necklace),........
no that's the devil talking!!!
koji trash mamu vam jebem retardiranu ! pa koji vam je kurac ! niste normalni ! nabavite zhivot ! ! ! majmuni ! pa si vi mislite ! ! !
Motion_blur sorry can't translate, but I applaud your abundance of exclamations!!!
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