Hans Ruedi Giger is an Academy Award-winning Swiss painter best known for his design work on the film Alien. Working predominantly in airbrush, Giger creates monochromatic canvasses depicting surreal, nightmarish landscapes. His most distinctive style is the representation of human bodies and machines in a cold, interconnected relationship.
Giger's main influences were painters Ernst Fuchs and Salvador DalĂ. Giger is perhaps the best known sufferer of night terrors and his paintings are all to some extent inspired by his experiences with that particular sleep disorder. He was originally educated as an architect and made his first paintings as a way of art therapy.
Giger Official Website
Giger US Site
HR Giger Online Museum

Ah! Thank you so much Mr. Elderly. International surrealism salutes you comrade!
Wir Atomkinder!
Ace stuff as usual... Methinks Mr. deitrix likes his stuff too...
Thank you
(takes a bow!!! bows towards Gnome adjusts tube to biomechanical unit......)
Giger has been a revelation....
(twiddles oxygen knob.....)
I've now looking towards redecorating my entire sitting room to look like the deck of the alien ship.....
(slides slider valve.....readjusts goggles....)
...Deitrix.... which one of you gave him leave of absense?... he's been back and forward very infrequently, hopefully we'll be able to nab him for christmas...
Just a word of warning Mr. Elderly. In case you're married to any beautiful Swiss top-model, please don't expose her to Giger's art. They tend to kill themselves...
And I think I just saw Deitrix around the corner...
(sticks head around corner....)
oh yeah there he is.......
a suicidal beautiful swiss model......?
(...lost in reverie....)
HIs work scares me....(shudders)
The point exactly dear timerunner.
And Elderly dear, I don't think anyone is suicidal before getting to know the immensly talented Mr. Giger...
I used to have night terrors, not the most enjoyable experience mind you.
Lovely pictures :-)
Aaaah, simply beautiful works of art.... I could have babies with some of those paintings..
... and thats what I was working on around the corner till someone started watching...
Deitrix you naughty boy... just put that nubile cyborg down!!
BTW Elderly, you're late for the DCJY virtual office party... We've already done video game charades and played a dance mats versus maracas version of Samba De Amigo...
Come on there's a steaming wassail bowl waiting for you...
(considers posting a Giger picture everyday as a method of bringing the blogging community together..... erases visions of Deitrix's marital bliss and the suicidal swiss model from memory... bravely continues....)
Greetings all, (surveying the seating crisis) luckily i've ordered a new sofa for Christmas, which appears to be stuck in fog in Romania... (pulls up rug..sits down...)
While the images are indeed beautiful, im not so sure id like to spend much time inhabiting Giger's world, though i found alien spaceship sets fascinating...
now if ye could advise me on the most strategic place to put the mistletoe up i'd be eternally grateful... i had considered the local bus stop, but fear i may be arrested....
Romania? Close to Transylvania!
Elderly, hate to break it to you but Vampires have eaten your sofa.
Lol... ..no tell me it isn't so..... milk crates for Christmas day ... oh the shame..... vampire varmints....
Strange that... Not their usual selves obviously...
Oh, and Mr. Elderly, frequent Giger postings would be so noce. Almost tea-like...
frequent we will attempt, but me doubts the resolution of some will be up to the usual standard.... tea? me? is the pope a catholic?
beatiful Giger... but "fallen angel" is a Luis Royo painting...
Thank you so much anon, for taking the time to comment and set me straight, i've amended the post and have found a convenient place to bury my head until my red face returns to normal
thank you again
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