The top photo is the "eye of judgement" claw/camera, which sits over a 3 by 3 grid playing board. Players fight to control five of the nine squares that make up a real-world board packaged with the title.
Next photo, enter the cards. Each card is tagged with a "cyber code" technology that allows them to be recognized by the "eye of judgement" so that detailed 3D representations of the monsters or spells that they represent are displayed on the screen. Thirty of the one hundred plus monster cards will be included with the game, the rest available for purchase at the game's launch.
Each of the squares take on a specific element (from Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Mechanical), which then in turn affects the movements and decisions of the players. Up to twelve environments will be available to play in the final game. Marked as a November release, for the moment only in Japan.
Gamespot impressions
Hexus gaming preview
Eurogamer screenshots
Trailers (check the on stage demo)

Now, this is a game to be played while drinking tea. Excellent and quite innovative too. Thankfully also available on the cheap-ass PS3 console.
Besides, paying 600 euros for a glorified card-game is definitely much cheaper than trying to track down elusive Magic the Gathering cards.
Anyway... Great post and quite an interesting concept...
Your obviously short a card or two, if you post what your missing, i'll have a look over this side of Europe. Why did they ever stop producing the cards? they were flying of the shelves here in Ireland, and now nothing!
(heads of to the shops for more teabags)
A great site you've got here. That PS3 eye of destruction (or whatever it's called) looks a bit dodgy to me. I mean - will it only be compatible with that one game? if not, what else could it be used for? The PS3 doesn't exite me one little bit I'm afraid to say - and that isn't the Sega/Microsoft zealot in me either...infact, as I've said before, the only new console that interests me is the Wii. Although, looking at screens, the Wii doesn't look like it's anywhere near as powerful as the PS3 or 360...
Mr. Elderly, thanks (a lot actually), but really there's no need to search for Magic cards... I've actually given all mine away...
And, tomleece, this thingy does look a bit Wiiish, doesn't it?
Thanks for the kind comments Tomleecee, the "claw" was a demo model (as evidenced by the sticky out wires) no mention of whether it can or will be used for anything else. Ditto feeling on the ps3 and if the wii is as powerful as the xbox I'll be happy. Interestingly both Microsoft and Sony have only nice things to say about Wii, in between barking at each other.
Meanwhile in Ireland troops of old people have been told to stand down following this mornings earlier alert.
Meaning both Microsoft and Sony are wooing Wii for some nefarious plan probably hatched in the bowels of a corporate hades,
Meaning I won't need to mobilise the folk in the nursing home, now that your not looking for Magic the Gathering cards.
Aha! yes, makes sense... Especially when able to stand with my head turnig around...
(the elderly puts on the kettle, as the Gnome recreates scenes from the exorcist)
Nice. Still love it
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