Stuck with recipes, wondering how to complete The Pit of 100 Trials, or the Duel of 100, or maybe you haven't found the game arcade yet?
Well look no further, the following definitive list of walkthrough, tips and Faq's should set you on the right path.
Mycheats Superguide (awesome)
Walkthroughs (3) from Gamefaq
Walkthrough and Chapter Guide from Gamespot
Recipe guide from Strategy Wiki
Pixls list from Strategy Wiki
Boss and Card Faq's from Gamespot
Walkthrough, tips and secrets list from Gamerhelp
Official Website (English)
Official Website (Japanese)
Screenshots from IGN

Well I'm going to bed...
Great! Let's sleep...
Even though this one does seem like a great little RPG-esque game. Still, there's too much Mario in it.
.... never been a mario fan myself.
... rolls over and passes the feck out... yawn
to much mario? thats not good then? Deitri... aww look......
(covers Deitrix with duvet... tiptoes back to Gnome....)
shame he fell asleep in the middle of the sitting room though...
maybe we should move him?
I didn't fall asleep..! I passed the feck out!
Mario needs some machine guns and metal armor... -and through some blood in for good measure.
Mario has never rocked my world... I was too much of a Segaphile too entertain him... Still I've just got right into Super Mario Land on the Gameboy Colour, so you never know...
(rolls up duvet....hands Deitrix some breakfast cereal...)... mario and blood... hmmm if it would seel more copies they'd do it....
..I'm detecting a anti-mario swing here.... you have time to play gameboy colour? ... but the Wii... and the news sega megadrive?
Well, it's not anti mario (and I'm speaking for every athenian gnome)... The games are brilliant and the imagery nice, it's just that mario himself isn't such a tasteful persona and that we're currently being bombarded by it...
...ahh now I understand... like when my mum used to pack chicken and ham paste sandwichs, every day after day after day.....for my school lunch......
in a way.... yes...
At least there weren't olives in it... That's something...
I'd have murdered for an olive.... you lucky lucky kid you,
hey we coulda swopped.... what did you have with the olives?
Nothing really, just can't stand them... And now we 're having some growing around the house. Could send you a kilo or so y'know...
What a beautifully generous offer, I thank you Mr.Gnome... but
... didn't we bury somebody close to your olive plantation.?.. or was that my dahlia patch...
only Im a tad worried about the taste....
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