Reviews summary
Definitely the best of the bunch
the same mech game pumped out since the begining
some of the best action this series has seen
Hard and unpleasant, time for a change
Same old song and dance, biggest flaws still exist
Fans will see positive changes, uninteresting missions
Ridiculous amount of trial and error
Full review from IGN (6.4)
Armoured Core online fansite
Official Website (Japanese, 15 wallpapers)
Screenshots (7) from gamestats
Yes! wikipedia even

Not so exciting really... Right?
guessed so....
Ronaldo got "kicked out" of the game I see, bloody disgusting.....
I saw it. Stupid kid... Still Portugal HAS to win. (They almost scored another...and that's playing with ten.... Ooops almost conceded one too)
Just spoted a referee who should never - ever play another game and then face a horrible fate...
Deco's red card was rediculous...
thats the same ref who was (cant remember the match Argentina vs ?) handing out yellow cards after full time. Sack the ref and the dutch manager for not introducing van nistelrooij, England are celebrating, theres barely a Portugese squad left.
And that's the worse part... Even though Figo is a traitor, I 'd like to see Portugal make it at least to the semis.
By the way, I don't believe this ref is ever going to play another international game. He was immensely panicked. never seen that before... Oh, and have only seen Argentina's first two games...can't remember the cretin...
Ronaldo only has bruising....
the refs name was IVANOV Valentin, a teacher from Russia
So, the dear MUtd boy will be playing against England? Good.
latest "ronaldo has an 80% chance of appearing".......a little more than the reported bruising then.
And just when i had thought the WC had descended into farce, glorious France v Spain.....ahhh football!!!
An excellent game. Zidan was quite touching...
i've got something in my eye again....excuse me
Excused... Zidane won't mind either...
just a bit of dust (sniff!)
Zidan holiding the world cup aloft.....reasons to keep going......
And a great advertising opportunity...
but for a few brief seconds the moment will not be spoiled.....however i've just watched Italy....and i'm not feeling too confident...
So all these comments add up to a chat about soccer (football)?
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