Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Rare Retro Games "Air Raid" Atari 2600

Air Raid Retro Games Atari 2600

Air Raid Atari 2600

Manufactured: 1982 for the Atari 2600
Publisher: Only release from Men-A-Vision

Air Raid is considered to be the rarest game ever released for the Atari 2600.  The cartridge is a blue "T" handle design complete with an image of flying saucers attacking a futuristic city.

The Plot
You are given the task of defending Mahattan by shooting down a selection of nefarious flying saucers and airplanes intent on bombing your city to rubble.  or to quote the game instructions....

"The quiet pre-dawn sky is suddenly filled with enemy bombers.  Can you save Manhattan from the your loan command post?  You watch as the sky scrapers around you are reduced by each hit unitl, after 12 hits, nothing but rubble remains.  You fire fast and furiously to protect the falling city.  Can you withstand the dealdy on slaught? (game type not mine) With 8 variations of play this debut thrill packed action game by Men-A_Vision, will bring many hours of exciting challengin play."

Rumour has it only twelve copies of the game exist.

On April 10, 2010 the only complete game (cartridge and box) known to still exist, sold for $31,600US

On October 22, 2011. An ebay auction offered an incomplete version of the game (cart only), which eventually ended with a successful bid of $3,575US.

I wanta play it:
Well you can't.... oops you can.. pick yourself up an Atari 2600 emulator on Google search, then head over to and search on the page for the "Download Rom" icon and erm... download the itsy bitsy rom.

If you want to own a copy someday, keep an eye on a certain Gnome, and bookmark he's excellent retro-treasures website.

See all "Retro game" posts

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