Rebuild of Evangelion is an announced Tetralogy of animated films in the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion. The first three movies will be an alternate retelling of the TV series (including new scenes, settings, backgrounds, characters), and the fourth movie will be a completely new conclusion to the story.
Rebuild schedule thus far:
EVA:1.0 (2007)
EVA:2.0 (2008)
EVA:3.0&FINAL (no release date)
The trailer for the first instalment of the four films has been added to the official Evangelion website but they've gone ahead and made it unplayable for anyone outside Japan. tut!
Luckily Seamus the Leprechaun was on hand with his screwdriver to sort out the problem, with a little help from youtube.

Excellent artwork and a rather impressive project.
Isn't it so old chap?
(sips tea)
oh yes so old....(slurp!)
(whispers.. little finger, Gnomey.. lift your little finger....)
why yes indeed fine sir.... quite
Hello boys! *FK plops down packets of Rich Tea and Jammy Dodgers* Rather fine visuals and exquisite accompanying tunes...
I don't watch enough anime, really I don't...
(lifts little finger)
(uses left index finger to pick ear)
(gawks at Fk's fine tea)
(lifts little finger in unison with Gnome.. watches in amazement as a golfball sized wax wad is surgically removed from Gnomes ear.....)
a pretty fine piece of equipment you have there mr.Gnome in the shape of the scalpel like index finger of yours....
...FK!!! jammydodgers....? for us? sit down old chum, I'll put on the kettle... oh and while I'm gone, please make sure Gnome dosen't flick that ball in the direction of my tea cup....
(flicks ball vaguely towards tea)
*FK watches affore mentioned wax ball splash accurately into Elderly's tea, but decides to say nothing in case of fisticuffs... Then watches as a waxy film spreads across the surface of Elderly's Earl Grey...*
Biscuit anyone?
ah biscuits, glad i came back before they were all gone... hmmmm nice (sips tea....) you can't beat jammy dodgers and a nice cup of earl grey in the company of such esteemed bloggers...
cough!... woooo that milk has a strong taste.. must have been a free range cow.. har har.... cough!.. sorry something stuck in my throat.... (elderly regurgitates and swallows...) ahhhhh thats better..
fk why for you loook at me with such distaste, are we not all friends here?
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