Blade of the Immortal follows the deeds of Manji, a skilled warrior who has a decisive advantage, no wound can kill him. Compelled by the death of his sister Manji accepts a quest that will end his agelessness and invunerability. Having already killed 100 samurai he has vowed to make amends for his dishonourable actions by killing 1000 evil men.
One of the most striking features of "Blade of the Immortal" is its beautiful, realistic artwork. Hiroaki Samura's unusual use of accurately detailed shots of hands and feet and his depiction of athmospheric backgrounds and landscapes are testament to his classical training.
Hiroaki Samura has been recognized by the Japanese Government's Ministry of the Arts and the Harvey Award Committee, as well as receiving an Eisner Award for best U.S. edition of foreign material.
Blade of the Immortal reviewWikipedia reference and character list
6 wallpaper sized images from animwallpapers
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(the elderly pours some tea for his first visitor)
Make mine sweet if you don't mind Gnome. I just love these images Elderly.
They're pretty exceptional alright, enough to make me want to collect the comic, which is surely a retrograde move on my behalf...... but hell we only live once.
(adds two spoons of sugar to Gamer C's cup).
I will not discuss tea. I'll just note the obvious S&M artwork present.
tsk, tsk
no no gnome, the lovely lady is repairing a fishermans net..... not in the least S&M ish... though she does seem to be getting caught up in her work somewhat....
Hmm... not conviced. Sorry. She 's definitely in the middle of a standard (well, not that standard actually) orgy, featuring nets, ropes, gladiators and undead lovers.
I can tell these things you know.
lies damn lies..... she's merely performing a community service for some local fisherman...... what asked her to help them.... old, arthritic ridden fisherman who couldn't mend their own nets...... look it say it here on her bio..... (hand bio to Gnome......)
(scans bio on the ueber-complex SIDney2370)
A poorly made fake... And what's she doing between those 2 guys?
A fake?...... show me.... never she was so sincere...... oh my sweet J........
thats illegal in some parts of the world...... how could she have lied to me..... Gnome thank you....... you've saved me again...
Im too trusting.... not worldly wise and clued in like you......
here have this packet of chocolate chip cookies...... you deserve it....
they may be a bit broken as they fell off a local truck...... but they're still in date........ by an hour or so.....
look guys dont dis this manga its great i have read all 23 vols i would recomend it to any manga head :P
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