Seamus the Leprechaun here, after a little posting hiatus what better way to return than with my very popular and much talked about Wallpapers and Websites post.
Well popular in the Leprechaun community that is, for it appears the human world has yet to see the importance of such a very simple but surprisingly effective idea. And if you'd like to sign the "I think this is a great post" comment box provided, a brown envelope with a surprisingly large incentive is waiting in the hallway.
Thank you!
Broken Sword the Angel of Death
Severance Blade of Darkness
Blood Magic

I think this is a great post
The envelope is only for humans Michael sorry....
Seamus... you can't just bribe humans to say it's a great post, it'll never work.. humans are far more ethical than that.. anyway i think this is a great post....
Sorry mr.elderly employees and representatives of the Leprechaun and elderly gamer cannot take part in this promotion...
sorry rules are rules
I think this is a great post
...ah i see, hows mary and the kids?
fine thanks for....... damn...!!!
Great post Seamus. No more blogging for me though. Bye :)
where'd he go... Gnome come back.. no more blogging whaddidhemean... gnome?
Are munkeys eligible? Umm, it's a great post, Seamus ;)
Thumbs up..!! All dark n beautiful to my taste!
(checks Darwins Origins of the Species.... )
Yep munkeys qualify.... thank you for your unsolicited kind comment
(opens door to the hallway)
your envelope awaits
Deitrix I'm glad you like them.. the Blood Magic site has a good selection...
A lovely post indeed Seamus...
What,s up with Gnome? I'm concerned...
oh goody ... runs down hallway
... (slips on banana skin again)
Thank you FK, your envelope awaits, im sorry it couldn't be larger... From what i've read, it appears Gnomes go through a metamorphoses, he has assured me though he will eventually emerge form pupae state a better looking gnome.... hope he gets a new hat...
Thank you Tees, %7.99 thats really extraordinary, hell your practically giving them away.... (hint)
....Download munky i hope your alright.... elderly is insured..... so no worries with the medical bills.....
....Insurance?... for a blog?.... oh oh..
Nice, I will go check out the Blood Magic site now!!
What! You don't have Geico blogger insurance..????
...im going to cry.... Geico Blogger insurance.... any chance they'd accept a backdated application?
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