Juclecia Sebine Re Elcritian is a character from the game Magna Carta Phantom of Avalanche and the daughter of an emperor. Following the sudden death of her mother, Juclesia suffers a setback which gives rise to her being exiled into the rural district for medical treatment.
Here she lives a common life, enduring a bout of amnesia with apparent ease until she hears the truth about her mothers death. Vowing revenge, Julcecia gains permission to return to the palace, where she plans a cruel retribution against those responsible for her mother's murder.
More Psylocke photos from Ziggy's Cosplay
See all "Magna Carta" posts on Rendered Beauty
Psylocke on Cosplay.com
see all "Cosplay posts" on elderly gamer

Oooo, peek-a-boo! Is that a bum cheek I see?
God Elderly? Are you liked plugged into the web in some Neo from Matrix type way?
How do you find the time to seek, find and regail us mortals with such loveliness?
In awe...
Oh! and BTW about 15 hours into my 'detox' I've now entered 're-tox...'
Fags, booze and blogging! It's work's fault for dragging my sorry ass back before twelfth night! I've still got me feckin excessive Xmas 'decos' up!!
Still, all I've lined my stomach with before the super-strength cider was a VERY healthy vegetable soup!
J, sharp eyed as ever i do beleive that is indeed a rather cheeky shot... cant' imagine how that slipped past my censor... forgive me for such a travesty.
well it's all Mr. Krishnas fault, it was he predicted I may find favour with the a certain female cosplayer this year, Im just setting my targets...
thank your FC for such heart warming comments........ steel yourself, it's only 12 months, down with the demon drink..... begone temptation......
No need to apologize! Ain't nothing wrong with a sexy Japanese bum cheek.
She wouldn't last 5 minutes in the current UK weather wearing that though.
Then again, why would anyone cosplay in Brixton? Bricton is for live-music, really... Yes. Ahem. Anyway.
Sweet post Mr. Elderly. Sweet indeed.
Gave me an idea...
(gnome shaves face, gets all cosplayes and hands around tequilas and french cigarettes)
Holy cow she is buff
thank you for your understanding J, i have an idea though for keeping her warm... maybe later.....
thank you for your comment simple simon as you can see we're in complete agreement.....
(looks at Gnome's impromptu cosplay party...mouth becomes dry, parched, vision becomes blurred.......)
excuse me i don't feel very well......
(leaves the room.......)
(gnomes follow while juggling a tequila and an ashtray)
lol Gnome.... i fear tis all for nought fell about 100 feet off the wagon last night........ (thinks....) course i could get right back up again tommorrow....
no too scary...
Cheerss (opens premier brand tequila, passes out lemons and salt.....the ensemble ignore the lemon and salt and drink straight from the bottle.....)
NO Timerunner mind the....
...electrified railings.....
sorry shoulda put a sign up.... (wheels on crash cart......)
Ah missed the petting runner... The tequila's nice too... I'a also LOLing it seems...
Too bad the game sucks... the pics are very nice though!
yep Gnome it's great to be back to normal.... tequila stocks were in danger of slipping, luckily I revived in time..... it was a scary moment though........ now polish off that bottle theres more in the cupboard........
I gladly play through the game again, for content like that... oh well maybe we'll get a next gen effort or near it, the artwork was ace... though playing with a bloke with the arse cut out of his uniform was disconcerting....
to rephrase, playing as a male character in inappropriate attire was disconcerting.........
bloody tequila.....
playing as a male character with the arse cut out of his uniform is disconcerting, while a female with half her bum falling out of her pants is COMPLETELY tolerable all right *sarcasm*
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