Coming to a Japanese Ps3 in December 2006, with a Western release date unannounced. Released exclusively for the Ps3 Director Hideaki Itsuno has warned that the game will be hard (nothing new there), he further stated that Devil May Cry 4 will feature more weapons, maneuvers, enemies, locations, music, and cutscenes than all the previous releases combined. DMC4 is also being billed as having the longest game play time in the entire series.
In Devil May Cry 4, players will principally control Nero, who must comes to grips with newly found powers, as his beliefs and allegiance are tested. A multiplayer element has been mentioned and Dante has also been confirmed as a playable character.
Hands on impressions from IGNScreenshots from Playsyde.comOfficial Website (Japanese)Trailers from Gamespot.com
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devil may cry 4 ps3 preview screenshots website
I think it's a testament to my poor gaming skills that I've never got past the first boss (the spider thing) on the original Devil May Cry.
I'm ashamed :-(
i got past the spider (after about a week and repetitive strain injury) only to be destroyed and beaten by the black shadow liony leopardy puma fecky.... and yet hope springs eternal, i picked up a copy of DMC3 special edition....on saturday god loves the optimistic......
The Elderly said...
.... and yet hope springs eternal, i picked up a copy of DMC3 special edition....on saturday god loves the optimistic......
Eternal optimism is the sweet nectar of gaming. Particularly Nintendo console fans ("The Wii will gain us some respect in the gaming world!") lol :¬)
Good lord! How much harder do they want to make the game series? I couldn't beat the original DMC on hard! Oh well, at least it'll be worth $60.
hiya rc, on reflection Saturday isn't as good a day for god loving us as Sunday.... it's why i think really game stores should open on Sundays as well... tough games could come with purgatory points.....
Hiya Gamer C, devil may cry issa tough series of games.... and there is no doubt, having a game that tough in my collection allows me an occasional walter mitty moment or two...
elderly beats DMC2 in under 3 hours........ blindfolded
Well I wont be playing that one for atleast a year....
Elderly have you picked up Gears yet..?
I advise starting out on hardcore!
picked it up this evening, so winding up here for the weekend to erm..... immerse myself..... hardcore it is....... thanks Deitrix
Let's see if this new title will bring back the glory days of the original. The new arm feature looks interesting and should add to the combo hits.
.....I'm certainly learning alot about mashochism from my recently acquire special edition dmc3.....
Now I now DMC and DMC3 SE and normal are hard... but for you to have taken that long to beat the first boss... sighs... I have beaten all three games, and yes I know DMC2 is easy and a walk in the park, it cannot be beaten entirely in 3 hours, it is a two disc system and I only consider beating the game if you beat all dificulty levels. P.S. Many of my mission scores as Vergil in DMC3SE is an SSS.
-Dante Demonslayer666
thank you anonymous, judging from that score, it appears Dante has been re-incarnated, quite incredible....
(bows before the demonslayer)
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