A pot pourri of Wallpaper, some old, some new.
Wallpapers, top to bottom from
- Kingdom under Fire: Circle of Doom
- Keeper Klan Forum Dungeon Keeper 2 (official Website no more... sniff!)
- Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines as found by the Download Munkey
- Gunvalkyrie
see all "Wallpaper and Websites" posts

Beautiful, just beautiful... *FK wipes tear away from eye...*
Oh BTW on a couple of side issues (literally) the Blue Pearl video had expired before I could watch it and the South Park WOW video was sublime...
Hope you know what I'm talking about... LOL!
The Kingdom Under Fire series have some of the best wallpapers for any series - I loved the ones for KOF: The Crusaders too.
(smells around)
Yep, that's some defnite S&M flavour I detect. Oh, and thanks for reminding me of the gem that was Dungeon Keeper 2.
aye FK blue pearl, fraid the vid upper panicked somewhat, the Southpark Wow video?... that was this splendid gentlGnoman here...
(pushes Gnome to the centre of the floor to take FK's accolade)
keeper 2, oft passed bargain priced game, that i keep meaning to pick up and never do...
but of course now that i realise it's got something to do with S&M i'll avoid it altogether...(turns to readership) as you are probably aware the elderly gamer.... any reference to S&M is....purely coincidental....condone... whips.... bondage..... thank you!
Hi Roys! Got a gammy copy of the Kingdom under Fire for xbox, plays so far then freezes.... the promo graphics and wallpaper are ace...
That's an outrage.
The vocal minority has spoken.
Bring Blue Pearl back! *FK slinks off to go dancing... (Naked in the rain....)*
(concerned the vocal minority may garner majority support, elderly negotiates)
okay well not coincindental then, how dow you feel abot the refence to S&M as being purely happenstance...
FK what the?
(covers his eyes) someone should invent immmac for bottoms......
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