Part of a series of games called Fabula Nova Chrystallis: Final Fantasy XIII.
There are three games in the series, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Final Fantasy Agito XIII, and of course the main installment of the series, Final Fantasy XIII. FFXIII is expected sometime in 2007 for Ps3, with versus even further along the gaming calendar. Vid from EldonPaul

I don't like this vid. I think it's crap. A select few got to see it at e3 and they only decided to release on December 8 because...!?
Tetsuya Normua needs to step down and just draw. He does Advent children, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 and he think he's the king. The dude actually looks like an organization XIII member!
Final Fantasy continues to get pimped like a ho. Will it ever end!?
(adjusts testosterone room spray.....)
now let me see... a nice cup of tea will solve everything.....
mind you i'll give you FF is the biggest cash cow in the history of erm.... cash cows...... and the versus video on your blog looks better than the video on mine.....
(gnome grabs tea before it reaches J, while Elderly barely has the time to contemplate on gnomes supernatural spped)
(gnomes suffocates on little spoon)
(as elderly hands the tea to J, a blur appears in front of elderlies eyes, next minute elderly sees Gnome writhing on the floor in agony, a tiny silver spoon firmly lodged in Gnomes throat....... elderly runs next door to get his neighbour.........heimlich)
dont' worry gnome, panic is the enemy , remain calm mr. heimlich will have that dislodged quicker than you can say... suff......
(the spoon sails through the air landing neatly on the coffee table, gnome looks around him at a smiling elderly and a strange gentleman with a moustache.......)
perhaps a nice cup of tea will sooth that throat of yours... one spoon or two?
But, who's this heimlich guy? Not a german porn-sheppard, right? Neither an old disguised nazi rapist I hope...
fear not this none other than mr heimlich of heimlich maneouvre fame, him what hugs people really really really tight, thereby saving their lives........ handy having him next door... specially with all those turkey bones to hand on xmas day...
sad really ....the genocide of turkeys to celebrate a birth.
Sad indeed. I'd rather we massively murdered lambs. Despite my high cholesterol, that is.
baby sheep? at a time of the birth of of a baby human..... well it's on topic.... but perhaps insensitive....
of course the lamb was slaughtered and disembowled earlier in the year? that would probably be okay........ hmmmm hungry now..........
Ah yes lamb. Nice and well roasted. With potatoes. And lots of beer.
Heck, I even crashed into a cap after a lamb orgy...
I've checked wikipedia for lamb orgies... can't find a feckin thing.... whens the next one organised for.....?
... how did you manage to crash into a cap....
Oh yes. Well, it wasn't a cap.. More of a cop really... Still put up a fine I'm not wasted show...
The next one? Hmmm... May probably...
may (checks holiday, pencils in engagement ) be sure to remind me, memory aint what it used to be... crashing into a cop takes... you've certainly got a Karma with a sense of humour.......
Yes. A sarcastic sense of humor really...
...I would argue sarcastic Karma is the best type of Karma..... certainly steels you from the extraordinary turns it takes from time to time....
Enough with the continuation of the numerical next to the phrase "final Fantasy". I want what I am sure what we all want...
I want my FF VII-IX remakes on PS3!!!
Salutes Tifa idea...... suggests email campaign.... a Tifa game perhaps...... with loads of costume changes....
(....lost in reverie....)
(gnome and his karma get sarcastic)
Tifa... Pah!
Reverie... Pah!
(busy helping Tifa up the ladder, elderly is quite oblivious to the sarcasm......)
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