Unlike Microsoft, Nintendo
Did not issue a press release to say their production figures were on target
Did not blame the advanced features of the DS as a reason for delays
Did not conduct an interview suggesting people should understand that manufacturing an electronics product was not like baking bread.
Did not advertise on their website "Nintendo DS now in Stores"
Did not advertise their product on Television, when there were none available.
Instead Nintendo apologised
The following translation (by GameLife blog) is from the Nintendo DS Website
We heartily thank those who bestow their patronage on our humble company.
Over the New Year season, demand for our portable game system "Nintendo DS" has vastly exceeded our predictions. It has gone out of stock, which we know has caused a great deal of trouble to our honored customers and retailers. For this we apologize from our hearts.
We will begin to ship our product by air mail, as this will help it get to retailers a bit faster. We are shipping product every week, but as supplies will not be fully replenished until the end of January, we humbly supplicate ourselves before you and beg your favor.
Microsoft take note
source information from Gamelife

you're nothing but a nintendo fanboy, get over yourself
"Unlike Microsoft, Nintendo
Diid not issue a press release to say their production figures were on target"
Uh yeah Nintendo DS shortage isn't due to a launch, apparently you need to learn a bit something about manufacturing
"Did not blame the advanced features of the DS as a reason for delays"
Because maybe the DS isn't that advanced hardware and has been out for over a year?
"Did not conduct an interview suggesting people should understand that manufacturing an electronics product was not like baking bread."
Once again Launching console vs just a selling out console, get over yerself.
"Did not advertise on their website "Nintendo DS now in Stores"
Did not advertise their product on Television, when there were none available."
Uh I just checked Nintendo's JP website and there is plenty of advertising there. Your comments prove you're nothing more than an ignorant fanboy
It's interesting how cultural differences dictate how companies deal with consumers of their products.
This is something that many corporations should take note of when dealing with customers regardless of industry.
I agree the "unlike Microsoft" comparisions are an unfair comparision, considering circumstances, I would argue MS can still learn a lesson from Nintendo.
They can go ahead and advertise thier product or go ahead and explain the difficulties of manufacturing a new product with so and so features. But you know what? It would make all of it go over so much smoother if Microsoft issued some sort of offical apology.
Amen, the only people who could make more of a balls of something are Sony.
It should be noted that all the "humbly" stuff, while sounding very apologetic in English, is very much just standard phrases used in Japanese. Every company and shop in Japan thanks its humble customers for their exalted patronage.
Talk about fanboy, you two are a couple of the biggest fanboys i have ever seen.
you're right though, the shortage isn't due to a launch. It was most likely unexpected and they apologized. Unlike microsoft who purposly created a shortage and acts like it was the greatest launch of a console ever. which is ridiculous. the ps2 sold way more (about 500,000) as the 360's launch(350,000) which was also less than the gamecube launch (400,000).
the only difference is that microsoft purposly kept stock down to keep a demand buzz. luckily for them a "certain group" of gamers are to stupid to realize that they are being made to want it now. If demand slowed down we'd most likely see a rush of systems flood the market. Especially if people knew the xbox 360 is currently on track to fall short of gamecube sales.
At least we know now that nintendo doesn't purposely create shortages.
Own a 360 and love it. But this is why I love Japan and their culture. Respect for people. Take note fellow American assholes!
x box 360 sucks ...i like the graphics the media center sucks on the 360...but the first x box 360.. i buy is going to have 300 gig harddrive ...full of games, mp3s, movies and apps.
but the 360s games are rehased x box games ...gears of war the nest great shooter ..unless halo out does it...halo needs more game play like call of duty 2 things happening all around you ...thing blowing up right next too you...not some linear piece of trash
x box 360 sucks ...i like the graphics the media center sucks on the 360...but the first x box 360.. i buy is going to have 300 gig harddrive ...full of games, mp3s, movies and apps.
but the 360s games are rehased x box games ...gears of war the nest great shooter ..unless halo out does it...halo needs more game play like call of duty 2 things happening all around you ...thing blowing up right next too you...not some linear piece of trash
Good points. I agree there is "similarity" between the shortages of 360 and DS, and at the same time highlighted the different philosophy. Praise Nintendo.
good points, sorta....The 360 just launched, are you going to compare the ps2 shortages next? And the DS is only sold out in Japan while there are plenty of 360s in Japan. The DS is a lot cheaper and easier to manufacture then a 400 dollar console.
how cna he be a fanboy when this is a xbox site? dumass no fanboy would work on an xbox site. stop making excuses liek how xbox is making excuses for having shortages.
First may I thank those who have taken the time to comment on my simple post.
I have never owned or purchased a Nintendo product, I am in fact the proud owner of both a Ps2 and an Xbox.
I take the point that I sought to compare the launch of a new product(360)with a failure to match demand for a fully marketed product (DS).
Both however, I would offer, are symptoms of a failure to meet manufacturing targets. There was no glitch in the supply mechanisms for manufactured 360's, the shortage was due to a failure to manufacture enough units.
I fully accept there are indeed huge differences in the complexity of both units and that the apology is standard customer policy in Japan and not as extraordinary as I though t at the time I wrote the piece.
May I thank Joystiq for covering the item and thank you for taking such an interest. At the time of writing over 2,000 people had viewed the piece. Such a response has made me humble.
Great article! I agree totally, though the opposition (who blow this way out of proportion) is right about the technology statement. However, the stock of the xbox 360 was remarkable low, so I also believe they just did this on purpose.
Anyway, for all you x-box lovers (and there’s nothing wrong with that). The news item was "Microsoft should learn a lesson from Nintendo" and it pointed directly at the mentality of the two company’s. And even you x-box lovers have got to agree that the difference in comment is remarkable.
I think this difference might even go in combination with their expectations. Microsoft knew before the launch that they would be out of stock. Nintendo however never expected that to happen, it would sell, but sell fast enough to outrun manufacture?
Anyway, Nintendo, your doing great! Keep it up and don’t let me down at the E3 this year!
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