Sunday, September 09, 2007

Cher Barbie Doll

Seamus the Leprechaun here, guest blogger on the Merry Gamer. Now I know what your thinking the little lads gone too far this time. Not that it's the first Barbie Doll ever featured on the elderly gamer mind you, but it is the first Barbie Doll a Leprechaun like myself would have a legitmate reason to purchase as a memento of a bygone era. If your still puzzled why this above all the Barbie Dolls would take my fancy well take a look a the video. Ah!! if I could turn back time indeed.

Cher Barbie Doll from Entertaiment Earth

Clickable inkies


Unknown said...

oh dear jeez!!! have you completely lost your marbles... this is a gaming blog..!!!

Anonymous said...

She plays pool......

Unknown said...


Ross said...

Why does that doll disturb me so much?

gnome said...

Guess it's not the doll, it's Cher.


Anonymous said...

Man, get outta here man...that's so wack...Cher is scary!

Unknown said...

Happy now Seamus.. now you've frightened half my visitors away.. I knew this would end bad... I hope this is a lesson to you and that we won't be seeing anymore "dolls" on a video games blog......

Anonymous said...

(sulks off to his room, crying, dragging his Cher doll with him....)

NSonic79 said...

my goddess...just shoot me now...

fatherkrishna said...

You know Elderly, I think Seamus could do with a purging retreat with me at the Lighthouse...

Full on Jesuit punishm... sorry, chastisement a speciality...

*Gets rack and thumbscrews ready...*

gnome said...

(mails Seamus a few kind words)

Anonymous said...

Timerunner...a cher fan... Hurray!!!!!.. see elderly, i'm not the only Cher fan....and gnome thank you so much for those words of encouragement and the paparazzi shots of Cher were.. scintillating....

FK while I appreciate such a generous offer, you must understand my predicament.. elderly would have to go with me... it's a capture the Leprechaun pledge.. though to be honest it's a curse.... thank you though....

Unknown said...

(curses uncontrollably.....)

pledge? I was supposed to get a big crock of gold when i captured you not a life sentence with a pint sized wart..

FK that retreat wouldn't have a blender by any chance?

...and Seamus quit hugging the Cher doll.. for the love of all that's holy.....

Random J said...

Oh dear God. What the hell is this you've gone and posted!?

gnome said...


Anonymous said...

shes a very attractive doll..... Theres nothing wrong with her...

Unknown said...

she's a plastic doll have you no shame?.... look even J was shocked.. and it takes alot to shock J...

..Gnome looks tranquilised again.. so he dosen't count...

gnome said...

:) :)

Unknown said...

..damn i'm seeing double again.... (checks medication...)