Resident Evil Extinction due September 21st
Official Website (online game, wallpaper, Screensaver, icons)
Posters on Forbidden Forrest
Wallpaper on this site
Beowulf due November 16th
Official Website (wallpaper aim icons
Posters on Rendered Beauty
Angelina and Milla, could it get any better, and rather than disappoint either lady by leaving them waiting in my desktop folder, I've managed to find this Freeware handy dandy wallpaper changer, makes all the hard choices for me.
Wallpaper changer
Posted by the Leprechaun

Ah Seamus, what's up matey? Haven't seen you around the Copy Pron Gamer lately... Say hi to Milla.
Wow I just saw the Beowulf trailer, to be honest I didn't even know Angelina was starring in this film. It looks pretty cool, the animation really makes it more interesting.
As for Resident Evil, Milla isn't as attractive as Jolie but she really fits as her character
The original Resident Evil movie was dreadful, but I enjoyed the 2nd movie with Nemisis. "STARS, STARS!!!" Brings back memories from Resident Evil 3. Claire Redfield (from Resident Evil 2) is expected to be in the 3rd movie. She is being played by that blonde haired woman from that show Heroes.
it's not the copy and pron or paste gamer it's the elderly gamer... why do you still have difficulty remebering, i mean for gods sake it's written on the top of the blog....(grabs leprechaun by the ear....)
Hi Gnome!.... nothing much happening, laying back chillin out... trying to get elderly to stop tweaking my ear, you know how it is.... glad to see you looking so well... new Hat?
hi spooky yep Angelina is tops looks wise... just hope she's got a significant amount of screen time in beowulf
hi funnyman.. fully agree first resi film was notable only for the milla shower scene.... Claires back hurrayyyyyy
Mila and Angelina? Oh! The humanity! Knew nothing about Beowulf till this post... Lets hope Angelina's recent waisting disorder does not affect her loveliness in this film... Bring back the Lara curves!
As for Mila in RE3 I'm just counting the days! I have been since I first learned about it on this particularly fabulous site!
I love you Elderly and erm... I tolerate you Seamus!
Go on Elderly, tweak his ear again...
Is Beowulf based on a video game?
Ah, yes Elderly. The Elderly Gamer indeed. Makes sense.
Yes, new hat Seamus. Thanks for noticing. Would you like one too?
Why the hell can't Angelina Jolie adopt me as her son?
Always into models and women with big lips I see...
I wonder if some Resident Evil favorites will make an appearance in the third movie like Chris and Barry. Am I the only one who thought that the acting in the game was more abysmal than the acting in the movies?
FK your tolerance is much appreciated, I could have done without your "tweaking" entreaty....
Video Game in the making Funnyman... publishers are ubisoft... if elderly would let me go for a second i'd find the developers... and there's an adoption request form around here somewhere....... acting in the Resi films.. no the film acting was marginally better.... but to give them their due, it would be difficult to draw from experience enough to realise a beleivable facial expression... though elderlies visage would be a good starting point....
New hat? Gnome your generosity knows no bounds, though i'll wait a little while... it may not fit properly by the time Elderly here has done with my ear lobe....
timerunner... models with big lips... I know no other way....
mr.elderly I've got to wee
(releases the leprechaun....)
I would still pick Angelina Jolie over Milla Jovovich. I know adopting has made Jolie soft, but she seems more deadly.
An intersting point on the movie Funnyman. Couldn't agree more...
Anyway. Seamus, now you've earned your freedom, care to play some basketball?
oh dear Funnyman the thought of even having a choice is enough for me to half to lie down.....
basketball? why Gnome it would be very good to get rid of h... erm it would do Seamus a world of good to get out now and again....
Gnome why thank you.. i'll just get my sneakers... and a wrench to lower the baskets... this is going to be brilliant.... yippeeeeee!
Thank you kindly for the wallpaper changer link, Seamus. I've been idly looking for one for a while, but too lazy to do much active searching for it. You're a lifesaver! Or, would be, if it would kill me to look f- you know what, I'll just stick with thanks!
Ok Seamus. Now, I'll tie your eyes shut, drive you the ultra-secret ridicoulusly luxuriant pint sized court and Elderly can pay me.
I saw the preview for both movies, and I am more elated about Resident Evil even though Angelina Jolie is stunning no matter what movie she is in.
Thank you Devin.. thanks is much appreciated (bows to Devin..)
Stunning indeed Funnyman... which reminds me neatly to plug in my single tomb raider movie sometime this weekend...
...Gnome this is going to be so cool... though im a tad concerned about the blindfold, i suppose i shouldn't complain... thank you Gnome.... no need for elderly to pay.. here i've got my own money..
(hands Gnome big bag of gold...) hope thats enough...
Kill Bill 1 and 2 would have been better movies with Angelina Jolie, instead of Uma Thurman.
Uma did lack that certain "killer" vibe, to me she wasn't menacing enough... call me biased but Angelina would be great in just about anything... well apart from the sound of music..
Angelina Jolie in any movie is music to my ears.
Ooops. Ah, yes. Sure. A stop at the arcades first?
ah yes indeed Funnyman... forgive me im drooling.....
arcades Gnome, why yes thats a capital idea... though you may have problems with Spanish gold dubloons.... i beleive the exchange commission is rather excessive....
Angelina needs to forget about Brad and her children and give me a phone call.
I have no doubt brad is a temporary hitch...well if i'm to believe my dreams, but forgive me.. surely she'll ring me first?
You are in a different country the elderly. The odds are against you, and they favor me. It is ok. You can have one of her 300 children.
lol.. you have a point... though we offer tax free status to actors and singers...
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