" The online play is what will hook you and keep you coming back for more, without it, you'll grow tired of the game much more quickly. Test Drive Unlimited is fun without the greatest driving experience. With a little more polish, some extra customization options, and an improved driving system, you’d have a racer that could compete with the big dogs."
IGN Review
Official Website
Screenshots from Teamxbox
(616 of them definite overkill)

Hi ich bin Chriswab aus Bottrop. Viele Grüsse !!
What did he say..?
Anyway I think I will hold out for Forza2 or Need for Speed Carbon...
Hi Chriswab wie geht es Ihnen? Welcom e back
yep my thoughts exactly Deixtrix.. Forza2 (dribbles!!) sorry
It's better than SEga GT 2002 offline version but I still hold Burnout Revenge a better driving experiance. Mostly though because of the offline ablitlites.
Perhaps when I got BB I'll reconsider it, along with an Xbox 360..
Also mehr europaische Freunde. Schoen wire immer...
Test Drive.. Pah... Only the first one was any good, despite the speeding tickets... Gosh, have things changed.
What did everyone just say?
Well Gnome said
Thus more europaische friends. Beautifully wire always...
(Gets a screwdriver to fix the translation machine......)
summing up not a single one of us mentioned Project Gotham..... so apparently we all like tickering with our car setup. whispers (Forza 2, without speed tickets)
Need for Speed carbon has gone of my must have list (the ads)
If I can just get a game that'll allow me to use my own soundtrack, I'd be a happy man. the Sega GT experiance left much to be desired. I want a game where I can cruise by the officer's to such classics as Limp Bizkit's "Rollin" and DMX's "X gonna give it to you".
Project Gotham I beleive allows you to add your own tunes, and from my hazy memory so does need for speed, However may i respectfully suggest an alternative playlist when passing policemen...
Well, I did mean mean to type "wie" instead of "wire", but still elderly's translation does make some sense...
How "alternate" do you mean? I can't think of any other better tunes to race to than Cold's Professional Murder Music.
indeed a most apt genre to race to to, but i erringly thought you might attempt to use such a playlist in real life while passing police cars....... silly me....
nice to know i've spent the last hour and half fixing a machine that apparently wasn't broken (stares at Gnome)
I imagine... sorry for that. Heh.
(still stares at gnome)and hour and a half.......
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