Thursday, August 30, 2012

Fanmade Assassins Creed 3 Wallpaper

Assassins Creed 3 wallpaper fanmade

Assassin's Creed 3 wallpaper

Assassin's Creed 3 hd wallpaper

Assassins Creed 3 Wallpaper hd fanmade
Ratatooh... Ratonheeennn...Ratteehkeee..ttt..

Elderly: Alf!!
Alf The Helper:  Ratonhnhaké:ton

Also known as Connor Kenway, principal character in the any day now (30/31 October) fifth instalment of the Assassin's Creed series by Ubisoft.  Please forgive Alf, who decided that a temporary loss of imagination was no reason to give up wallpaper painting, resorting to design concepts for The Walking Dead and Modern Warfare 3.

Alf the Helper: sorry! :(

See all "Game Wallpaper" posts


GamingAles said...

Arghhh! These are great... now I have to switch my wallpaper from Darksiders 2 to Assassin's Creed 3!! Death is going to be mightily pissed off!

Maybe he'll be ok compromising, so in the week it's the 'Creed wallpaper and then at the weekends it's Death's turn?

(deep breath...) 'Death? Have you got a spare minute...? I need to discuss iPad wallpaper with you...' .... Ulp!

Unknown said...

Thank you Bickle!! :)

...erm..... 8(

....okay I'll say it plain
I don't think you should play around with Death, imho
Just a hunch...

Alf The Helper said...

8( mr. Bickle please don't tell Death where you got the wallpaper... thanks!
preciate it...

I'll make us all some tea....

GamingAles said...

Ah... sorry, I did kinda mention you guys... but don't worry, last time I saw him he was busy sharpening his scythes. And muttering something along the lines of "reaping like I've never reaped before"...

Unknown said...


(checks dictionary....)

Phew!that was close.. you had me worried there, never knew that Death was a farmer....

..anyways no harm done...
more tea? :)

Alf The Helper said...


(Alf hastily adds a watermark to the completed Wallpaper)

made by the elderly