Already i hear you saying "what?!!! a walkthrough for a shooting game", but trying to locate that last illusive cog tag or being pinned down for the 30th time on the same level on insane mode is enough to rattle the strongest resolution. As per usual the most effective walkthroughs are to be found on Gamefaq, although i've included the best of the rest to add a little piquancy to your search for a solution.
Gamefaq Walkthroughs from... erm GamefaqGears of War Walkthrough from Unlimited GamerWalkthrough from OCModShopTips from Xbox.comGears of War FansiteGears of War Official Website
Clickable inkies gears of war walkthrough cheats hints tips faq guides cog tags Gow walkthru xbox 360
Gears of War is an amazing game! I reviewed it on my blog (gnadegames.blogspot.com) and gave it a 94%. Check it out and read my other reviews, play my free (unique games) online games. Cheers-
What? A walkthrough for a shooting game?
(a joke fell flat)
(picks up the joke... pumps it full of air again with his rusty bicycle pump.....throws it aloft....)
we'll try it again.....
well Gnome what do you think of the Gears of War walkthrough?
(gnome fails to get the inflated and revitalised joke)
is it pointless?
pointless,? Joke?
getting the joke up and running is now of greater importance than before....... (
elderly: "I hear there's a walkthrough for gears of war the shooting game on gamefaq"
Gnome: what?
elderly: a walkthrough for a shooting game
Gnome: A walkthrough?
elderly: yeah... for a shooting game.....
Gnome: for a shooting game?
elderly: and oh boy!!!! what a walkthrough for a shooting game you won't find anywhere else......
Gnome: a shoot through lol!!!!
LOL!!! Rofl
or do you mean Pointless? as in the walkthrough?
Well i suppose ....if you haven't got the game...
Excellent post... if you don't mind I'm going to link to it.
I just can't get over the phenomena is game is creating. Over 2 million copies sold... whew!
You guys! it's like a marx brothers/three stooges game related acid flashback!!
Top marks!
I've got a dog with no nose...
How does it smell?
Answers on a postcard please...
greetings monchster, link away thank you 2 million copies...wow....
(puzzles over the noseless dog...enigma..scribbles answer down on postcard, holding the postcard...elderly turns to FC..)
erm now what?
On with the jokes I say!
(not really, no)
The Marx brothers. Amazing humor. And they were American! Who'd have thought?
...Stunned.... I thought they were marxist.... damn this means i'm going to have to reappraise my view of American humour......
h they were marxists too.... Mr groucho even got to meet McCarthy, Mr. Elderly. Can't recommend 'em enough!
wow!! a brave move given the culture of fear..... hmmmm reminiscent of present day...... (hides copy of koran.....)
(eats verious incriminating religious and political documents)
Philosophy does taste great...
Anyway. Groucho was actually pretty funny when facing McCarthy.
He also believed:
"Marriage is a great institution, but who wants to live in an institution?"
is should be tattoed on every bridegrooms arse..... damn i shoulda listened.....
So, it's finally out. Has the game met the hype that was made up for it? where is Deitrix?
Deitrix is looking for bridegrooms to tatoo....
hype was stronger than the game, but the game was pretty pretty excellent...... Why pray tell is Deitix tatooing bridegrooms......
It's an american fetish you see...
..fetish as in .... no i probably shouldn't ask.... have some ginger cake... I'll put on the kettle.....
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