..Seamus here again, a quick wall as I prepare for the night's festivities,
background? Tekken 6 for Ps3 by end of 2007,
source? what you don't beleive me? for shame...
here's a link in for the Japanese speakers amongst you
Tekken 6 Official Website
What your still not happy? okay then here's the trailer...
(jeez some people are never happy......)
Tekken 6???? *FK 'stands to attention'...* What it's for PS3?... loses firmness...
What there'll be a PSP version???
*Stands tall again* There will I presume? Or am I being presumptuous?
There's always the Bleem version of Tekken 3 for Dreamcast....
...and talking of the Dreamcast, is it true that I've got my 'big one' out for show on the Dreamcast Junkyard at http://wwww.thedreamcastjunkyard.tk
You all better get over and sneak a peak...
...grabs camera..... rings press..... takes anti-sickness pill.. .leaves immediately...
You know you like my bigg'un Elderly... Come on it's 2007... surely it's alright to admit when another man shows you his big'un that it's alright to respect it, admire it, cherish it and even covet it?
Go on... if you're honest you'd love to get your hands on my big'un wouldn't you?
I love you so much I'd let you use it... as long as you promised to let me have it to myself after you'd finished playing with it...
Just make sure you give it a good old polish before you give it to me... i'd hate you to leave any stains on it...
*Even Father Krishna begins to tire of this gag and begins to wonder of the validity of comapring his DC collection with his kn...* (CENSORED BY DCJY LAWYERS)
The video is interesting but is it just the video quality or does the character models don't like crispier than the PS3 Virtua Fighter's.
Did they just steal my augment suit idea for a fighting game! I thought I patented that years ago!
Hey, what? No porn for leprechauns? Again? meh...
For god sake FK, put that away, or at the very least brush the dust off it..... jeezzzz!
Sorry Gnome, ol fella was a bit upset with my planned pantyhose post, but im working on a kneesock version.....
Ah Timerunner, wait just in case..... ( hands timerunner oxygen mask) indeed the video quality wasn't the best, I beleive the patent had run out on the augment suit, still we know where they got the idea from and that's really all that matters......
(throws towel over FK's BigUn)
now how about some of the elderlies Tequila... hair of the dog and all that....?
(ties elderly to a chair. brings porny dominatrix to watch ver him)
...bloody brilliant... I would never have the courage to do that... jeez yes now's the time...
pantyhose post on the way.. .this'll be brilliant.....
(...comes back into room looking worried.....)
...wait I remember the last time i messed up...
are you sure they'll be no repercussions from posting panthose pictures...
..I mean he's hardly going to stay tied up for ever, what happens when he breaks free....?
he'll bar me from blogging...
course I could always head over to your place, we had great fun the last time...
but you may have to put up with me like forever.?
Oh dear. Is this what really happens when you ask for the little people to cobble up some shoes?
..thats a vicious rumour to be startin, cobble shoes how are ya... ..well okay i admit theres the odd few tourist leprechauns still at it, but our species have left those dark days far behind... Were a developed species soon now you know.... we have our desires, dreams and aspirations like every other species.. we've shed the yolks of slavery... what harm was a pantyhose post going to do anybody....?
She is now the prettiest female character. It used to be Christie until Zafina came along. Zafina is much prettier than Christie.
Zafina is the prettiest female, she is so much prettier than Christie now. King and Zafina are my 2 favorite characters.
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