Saturday, July 29, 2006

Angelina Jolie as Superman, Wolverine, Spiderman

Replacing our regular cosplay feature, this photomontage page was too good to bypass.

elderly tags


Anonymous said...

Brilliant find Mr. Elderly... Now, if you don't mind, could you try searching for something more "candid"?

Oh, and I'm sure you gave our friend, the artisticly inclined GamerC, some nice ideas...

Unknown said...

candid as in not so revealing, or as in amateur latex spray painting in the himalayas..

the elderly would once more like to re-iterate that subliminal S&M messages are not included in his posts. Indeed the reader is far more likely to be heavily influenced by the community of Gnome bloggers than anything that can be found here.

for example just take a look at this typically aberrant gnome site

Anonymous said...

Candid as in .. err.. candind. And in case you're having doubts... the more revealing the better, but always remember that S&M photos are not (i repeat NOT) an option...

Thanks for the link though ;)

Unknown said...

he's done it again....

the elderly would like to point out....... influence........ not responsible.....
end disclaimer

okay more revealing, less posed, absoluteyly no (that word) photos....

does that rule out leather..... ?

Anonymous said...

(disclaimer as always noted)

Of course not... Where would we be without leather clad porny porns after all is asaid and done?

Unknown said...

Thank heavens for that...... you had me worried...... (sort through his leather photos.......)

Anonymous said...

I've heard that porny blogs get their fair share of traffic... Specialist stuff even more so...

Just a thought. Humor me...

Unknown said...

(tickles gnome.....)

indeed some of the japanese blogs cater for every body part, including armpits, nosessss, ears......

and indeed the site traffic is extraordinary..... maybe i could start one for pointy ears?

Anonymous said...

There's bound to be a pointy-ear fetish thingy. Besides, I always wanted to become a pornstar (following my fathers unlived dream).

Now, please stop tickling me! Enough with the humoring thing...

Unknown said...

sorry! (takes finger out of gnomes ear...... checks website favourites,

pointy nose
pointy bums,
pointy chins,
..... deletes pointless link....

you know there may be a market for a pointy ear blog, or indeed regular pointy post.....

you may have a point...... heee heeee

get it? point...... (cough)


Anonymous said...

(hor, hor, ahem)

Yes.... Right!

I'll design the whole pointlessly pointed pointy thing.

See how it does...

Unknown said...

yep its probably better you design it... considering what happened with the whole laptop mouse mat debacle..... though maybe i can colour in....

Anonymous said...

Sure... Will it be oil or acrylics?

Unknown said...

crayons....... by clowncolours...

hope thats okay, i've got all the primary colours and black, but i dont like black, cause it gets all over my hands and then i have to wash hands that is.....

probably more information than you needed.....


Anonymous said...

Information can never be enough when working for the EU counter-terrorism group... So, crayons is it? And unwashed hands.


(stops talking into microscopic mic)

Unknown said...

(looks at the area on Gnomes shirt that gnome spoke into.........)

how do you know it's actually there at all....

(Squints........) no still can't see it

whispers..... So the EUcounterthings finaly enlisted you......ends whispers

(speaking to gnomes shirt) yes the EU counter terrorist group are...... am....... really good.....

Unknown said...

whispers..... what happens when the terrorists move away from the counter? ends whispers

Anonymous said...

Well, assuming they've paid what they were supposed to, I guess.. nothing.. What's the point?

Unknown said...

speaking to gnomes shirt...... Yes i've always said it the world is much safer, now we have the EU counter terrorist group......

whispers.... well if all the counter terrorists had money, they'd be no need for the counter terrorist group......ends whispers

gnome said...

Hw amazingly wise and perceptive a whisper!

Unknown said...

(looks around to see who Gnome is talking about) rare moments of perception are a curse

gnome said...

quite so...

Don't you agree most invisible buddy?

Anonymous said...

Yep gnomes right

Unknown said...

jeez it's time to cut down on the snozzle...... i coulda swore i heard a reply.....

gnome said...

creepy stuff..

I'm leaving.

Unknown said...

hold on don't leave here with him, here i'll sign this off


scary stuff

Anonymous said...

you can't leave i've locked the doors and nailed the windows shut.... you must stay here foreverrrrrrrrr!

gnome said...

Never underestimate the power of ganinja

(cue sound of 13 ethereal shuriken leaving gnomes lightning fast hands)

Unknown said...

(elderly ducks.............)

Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

jeez gnome he's dead!


gnome said...

Why? He died... And was a ghost already... No laws broken. Right?

Unknown said...

(checks the celestial almanac......) hey your right...... you can't kill dead people.....

gnome said...


Anonymous said...

That's great! You can't find that facts in Angelina Jolie biography:)lol
But she is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

hi, guys.
my name is Rafael Borges and I´m from Brazil. I'm the author of this pics, made them for a friend o´mine´s webpage: (I don't know if it is online anymore).