Just spent the long weekend watching first 7 episodes of Firefly. Why this show was cancelled after just 9 episodes is beyond me, thankfully fan pressure and extraordinary dvd sales convinced Universal Studios to buy the rights to make a full blown movie called
"Serenity". Perhaps continued fan pressure can convince Fox or indeed Universal to start a new series. In the meantime the following links should provide you with enough content to keep the dream alive. Interestingly
fireflyseason2.com is doing it's best to drum up interest in a subscriber only season.
Browncoats.com An essential fan site, fan fiction, fan art, forum, news updates
Serenity Movie websiteWhite African Serenity wallpaper (9)
Canadian browncoatsDone the impossible the fans tale behind firefly and serenity
Fireflymovie.com campaigning for a new series of firefly
Dusk till dawn episode guide
Firefly fans.net fansite banners, wallpaper, fiction
browncoats rise again some viral marketing tips
Blitzgal.com for some professional quality wallpaper (9)
Stykera.com some more wallpaper (15)
Browncoats forum
elderly tags firefly serenity wallpaper fan fiction fan art links series wallpaper cast season comic browncoats brown coats
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