Enough to make me concerned as to the games final quality, yet the game managed to score a respectable 79% from 13 reviews on Metacritic.com
Reviews Summary
Well planned and executed single player campaign, bug-blasting, giant robot heaven
One of those rare games where you feel like you got every penny’s worth and then some
Middling mech territory, brain-dead humans, rote boss battles and a forgettable story
Challenging and visceral, one of those games that keeps you coming back
A few bad design decisions, but the graphics are excellent by any standard
Control mechanics get in the way of the experience.
Pits you against incredible odds and satisfies by making it just about possible to beat them!
Official Lost Planet Website
Screenshots (236) from IGN
Videos from Gamespot

More XBox 360 Gorgeous delectables for me to drool over... Saw this advertised on TV, and like Gears Of War, it has me questioning my retro "gameplay over graphics" philosophy... Though Shenmue proved to me that the two are not mutually exclusive any way...
Will definitely be getting this from Gamestation in round about 2012...
LOL! :)
Lost Planet does look cool. But it still isn't enough to make me wanan go out and buy an Xbox 360 though.
2012 we'll be on ps4 and xbox720, and the 360 will be a retro machine by then......
Lost planet wouldn't have been a killer app for me, oblivion though sealed my console allegiance...... i now i hardly play it anymore....
Nope, definitely not a killer-app... Perhaps I'll wait for the retro Xbox360 too...
If your happy and you know it; target mechs...
If your happy and you know it; target mechs...
If your happy and you know it, and you lock on and then blow it.
If your happy and you know it; target mechs...
A wise and financially astute descision oh wise owner of the greatest console in the World.......
(joins in with timerunner, )
if your happy and you know it, meths the one
if your happy and you know it, meths is much more fun
if your ha.....
mechs? ooops!
looks at comment title...
erm that was me.... how did i get anonymous all of a sudden...
(delves into blogger innards.... takes out sweet wrapper......)
ahhhhh found the problem.....
A piece of meedical advice is in order then: meth turns you into an anonymous old person. Your ass might drop off too...
Now that you mention it, bottom dropping is a worry, I will heed your medicinal warning favouring the usefulness of bottoms to the temporary elation of meths...... thank you!
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