Play as any of nine real samurai warriors from history, each with their own unique storylines, attributes and attack techniques.
Choose between 4 unique game play modes:
Main Mode: Select a character and advance his/her storyline that interconnects with other
character storylines.
Mission Mode: Includes 10 different missions that must be completed within a set time limit.
Combat Mode: Compete in a 2-player head-to-head match.
Xbox Live Leaderboard: Connect to Xbox Live and compete against other gamers by pitting AI Characters against each other. Once the match has begun, your character will act according to his or her AI Traits. Your rank will change based on the outcome of the match, and you will be rewarded with various items for reaching certain ranks that you can use in game.
Customize your samurai’s nickname, fighting stance and weapons using items won online
IGN Preview
Screenshots from Gamespot
Majestico Entertainment Website

Wow I love this kind of games...luv'em...and an M rating, mmm must be bloody, gory...TASTY!!!
Wow...is this like Bushido Blade for the PSX or Kengo for the PS2? Must be, since this has the same name, but I'm intrigued for I'd never heard of it before.
Anyway, it's great to see another realistic fighter, there's not much like this around this days.
Oh, and that boat that appears in the video reminds me of a stage in Tenchu Z, also for the 360. Cool game, by the way.
I think this looks fabulous! Can't wait to hear some reviews... I SO want an Xbox 360 these days! Gimme, gimme, gimme!!!!
Admittedly the Xbox 360 gets more interesting by the day.
(waits for the review round-up)
Bloody and then some spooky, but from what i've seen of the latest ninja gaiden game not a patch on the dismemberment....
an addition to the Kengo series indeed Nebachadnezzar, the graphics a re a little rough, but if the controls are as tight as the ps2 version, it will be good indeed, though early purchasers comments have been negative.. as FK said, we'll have to wait for a few reviews...
FK please let go.. look it's still attached to the power... cable.. ugh!...
(makes tea for everyone, then sits and waits with Gnome, keeping a close eye on FK....)
(feels truly relaxed)
..Gnome you look quite relaxed...
Oh, but I feel relaxed... I can also feel the eart spin.... Wheeee...
...no sorry Gnome thats number 26, she always sets her washing machine to turbo cycle on a Saturday morning... hang on it'll get worse....
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