Half-Life 2: Episode Two is the second of a series of stand-alone episodes based on HL2, armed with new weaponry and vehicles, Dr. Gordon Freeman must race through a countryside riddled with an increasingly fierce Combine threat. Expected Q1 2007. The first two episodes have been developed concurrently by separate teams. Episode Two's focus appears to be on travel and vehicles, and it will see Gordon Freeman and the series' other major characters moving away from both the ruins of City 17 and the entire area in which it is located and into large outdoor forest environments.
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Freakin' awesome! Im waiting for it to come to the 360... Since all 3 will be in one.
... problem is that by the time it comes round in pack form (q4 2007?) something else may have grabbed my fancy... still waiting for the .hack platinum bundles.....
Well, at least you won't have to upgrade anything while waiting... That's the fine thing in consoles. Not upgrading every year just to play a fancy new game...
Now, let's all take a moment a glimpse my PC. made in 2002? WTF?
2002...... surely thats the serial code..... your reading it upside down.... it actually says 2002... ? right.. well, I see your point.... what about upgrades.....?
I hate Half Life. No amount of pretty screen pictures will get me to play or enjoy any of Sierra's works.
succint! may we ask why?
I never cared for Sierra and the Half Life series when they canned the Dreamcast version. What espiecally poured salt into the wound was that THEY HAD ACTUALLY COMPLETED THE GAME!!!
But instead of releasing it on the dying DC, they cancelled the game along with it's expansion extra and wrote it off as a tax break.
That game would've been an excellent goodbye to us loyal DC fans, instead Sierra slapped us in the face.
Timerunner you're quite right! Mind you, that HL Sierra had nothing to do with the Sierra of yore, and that Valve had nothing to do with the cutting of the DC game. They actually also went indy through the creation of Steam....
Oh, and, thank you Mr. Elderly. Never realized it was just the opposite of 2002!
right well that's a piece of gaming history i knew nothing about...... and when did this all happen then? and whose got the master disc?
welcome Gnome, you know me, anything i can do to help...
Don't know about the masterdisc, but a copy of it is pretty easy to find floating around a variety of torrent sites... DC's H-L looks much better than the PC version, but the loading times are just intolerable... Oh, and a gamepad isn't as good as a mouse...
Yes, the DC Half Life is up there with the gaming legend of the Nintendo 64 version of Robotech.
But I won't get into that one.
I don't care if it was Sierra of old or Valve or whatever. They F'ed us over when they did what they did. Sure you can DL a torret of the leaked game but it would've been something to get an actual copy that doesn't need pirating. For all we know due to that that's why it loads so bad. As for the keyboard/mouse vs. gamepad that's what all have said about such games, espically when they were released onto the DC: Quake III Arena is a prime example of that.
What was I talking about again...
fecking fascinating.... cant' beleive I missed all that..... of course now i'm hooked on the robotech story...... (makes mental note to skip half-life posts in future......)
Hmmm.... guess you're right Timerunner. Surely a polished and much more finished version would do better... But, in the end, SEGA shouldn't have rushed to kill the DC.
One never ceases to learn stuff Mr. Elderly. Socrates noticed this bit too...
...it's good to have a blank canvas to work on....
But you do know all this blood science stuff....
(glossing over his complete lack of knowledge on blood science....)
oh yes well... simple a minor expertise wouldn't say I was expert or anything.... (nervous laugh....) right tiddly winks it is....
uses plastic disc to flip a other plastic disc into a yellow plastic cup......
Off with Half Life
Robotech:Crystal Dreams was one of those N64 games that was off again, on again and made famous because the developer was GameTek (makers of the lovely gaming favoriates Wheel of Fortune and Jeporady)
But alas, the best they could do was some fake graphic video at E3 of the time. and after so many delays (and the company folding) it quietly died. but rumor was that the game was actually finished.
Albeit a very messy job. Some say it was just a shy better than Superman 64. *shudders*
It was for the best afterall, vicious cycles came out with a far better Robotech game.
hell, where the hell was I when all this was going on, faking a presentation for E3 is pretty thick-necked..... is there anywhere all this stuff is collated, it may be old news but it's fascinating.
Thanks for filling me in.....
(heads off to make timerunner a special cup of tea)
Your welcome. Probably only the hardcore robotech fans would've heard about this story. It was one of those gaming industries best kept secrets.
I never got the full sotry till 2 years later when the gaming magazine, GameFan, told all about the torrent past.
..there must be loads more like this... i can imagine every developer, game publisher has one or two skeletons lurking in a cupboard somewhere......
I thought I'd share a neat site I found when I dug deep into a search engine the other day. This is good when you really start looking around. A hidden gem really. But I digress.. here - golf school
thank you, this is the third time you've told us about it.. i found the pregnancy and golf article... exhilarating...
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