In a country where Gundam is practically a belief system, hardly surprising that close to half a million arcade machines across 9,500 arcade halls are as popular as ever, with earning credibility seen as the key to forking out $2-$3 a game.
Image of Club Sega, Tokyo, nine floors of arcade heaven
Full Story from Newsweeks Brad Stone
elderly tags Japanese Arcade Games Gundam
I want arcades back in Greece.... It's only fair...
(runs to hug gnome, having not seen him for yonks..... but an invisible barrier prevents the elderly getting within 3 feet of his gnome)
Great to have you back, i swear i could hear echoes in here.
(gnome throws dice... curses... tries again... smiles)
Barrier dispelled!
(elderlies legs go from under him and he falls to the floor) Gnome your not using the daedric hollow ivory dice by any chance are you?
Of course not!
I'd never! really...
well, only a bit...
i knew it.... we nee a double six... (moves lifeless legs into a more condusive position for healthy bloodflow)
got 'em
brilliant...... thanks buddy, now i'll just put those away in a safe place......
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