Wii's unconfirmed sunlight problem,
The online Society Phenomenom that is Second Life
The most beautiful black and white game promo ever!
.......when in doubt, screenshots!! ergo Lost Odyssey, the second of two epic RPG projects for Microsoft by Mistwalker. You play as Kaim, a man who's been sentenced to live for 1,000 years. The game's storyline takes you through Kaim's life as he lives through multiple generations, becomes a part of many families, falls in and out of love and gets into conflicts. All this is set in a world that is on the verge of a "mystical industrial revolution," where mankind has attained dark powers. Due Japan Dec 31st 2006, US TBA. New Screenshots (though they look remarkably like screencaps) have surfaced on Playscope (25)
Lost Odyssey hands on from IGN
Trailers (4) from IGN
Japanese Lost Odyssey Teaser site

These dont really look like in-game screens...? -but heres to hoping!! (raises glass and finishes off)
(raise twin glass...empties it......pours another round.....) skol!!!!!!
having watched the trailer I beleive, earnestly the first shot is in-game the rest fmv..... though on my sixteenth virtual alcohol my perception has lagged somewhat....
OMFG + w00t + AmaazZing!
I mean, ahem, really, this limbo promo is brilliant. Just brilliant. An amazing find Mr. elderly...
...erm yes, a rare find indeed, (cough!!! ) amazing really where i source my material....
.......surprises me sometimes....
(elderly jumps back in startlement.... ) wow!!!!
hey look a Halo monthy python sketch.........
Oh my ! Where, where?
..darn i've lost it now...... it was here a second ago... elusive things these rather exceptional posts.....
(stand poised on the edge of the internet lake with a sharp stick......)
The things devolopers are able to do with the next gen technology is downright scary. I see why the motion picture movie association is all concerned.
video games are my entertainment medium of choice, i'd still watch a movie, but i'd prefer to interact with a game.....
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