The Quill Awards celebrates the best books of the year in nineteen popular categories, ranging from romance to biography to graphic novels. This year Shonen Jump NARUTO Vol. 7 has won the 2006 Quill Award for Best Graphic Novel, a first for a manga. Shonen Jump Naruto Manga are published
by Viz , story and art by
Masashi kishimoto
Images and full story from IGN
Most interesting oh master of the arts!
Now, a question... How did you manage to put 2 amazon boxes next to each other?
shh!....(opens up elderly's trial and tribulations manual.....leaves page open... walks away, gnome reads)
begads..... i've just learned to use the center command feckin great
(center)"stuff you need centered" (/center)
nb: must remember to change brackets....
holy heavens.... by posting one link.... directly after the other link (no space) i can get the two amazon images together..... bloody brilliant.....
drat... Lucy said the carpet burns were really painf...
(gnome stops reading... closes the book)
Thank you so much, oh Lord of the Blogosphere, for letting me peek in thy great manual of All Things HTML & Blogger!
...not a problem... what little I know is yours for the asking... next task drop down menus for my sidebar from hell..... coming Q3 2007
You are not serious, are you? And how is google supposed to archive/index your drop-down menus?
Nah, besides it'll end up all tidy and uninteresting...
erm..... right hadn't thought of that..... baaaaad idea.. pheW!!!! luckily you were here, or this place was going to look like a French Restaurant
Tidy would be nice.. just for once to come in here and not be greeted by the long unmanageable landing strip.... but thank you!
Welcome. Thank you too. What's wrong with french restaurants?
... french restaurants.... not a thing, indeed one of the top ten reasons to be cheerful...
only looking like a french restaurant, people may not be as willing to use the walkthroughsss
(elderly hits on an idea.....)
unless of course each menu, had it's own walkthrough..... leave it with me
(elderly enters his brand new, ideas box....... a light on top of the box turns red....)
So much to learn, soo little time to ask...
(elderly exits looking a tad weary....... ) failed i did, couldn't get the walkthroughs to fit between the starters and the main course, food went cold, chef left.... a disaster all round......
(poor little elderly.... better luck next time)
one day... only a matter of time... we'll crack it.... then the hordes of gaming public will descend upon us like acolytes at a sacrificial happy hour.......
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