Due September 24th for Pc,Ps2, psp, Ps3, Ds and xbox 360, and essentially the import car scene recreated in your living room, with customisation options to make your head spin. Change everything from the hood, headlights, side skirts, side mirrors, doors, spoilers, rims, paint jobs and decals.
With 90 cars in total your entire career mode can be taken online, playing through career mode in single player and online with real people who are competing for the same goals and achievements. The game also tracks a player's abilities with something called their "Driver DNA." If you're better at drifting or cornering, it will be recorded. You can then download people's DNA and race against their ghosts.
The Wallpaper is purely for illustrative purposes only.....
Official Website
Gamespot Preview
Gamespot Multiplayer Preview
IGN Online Preview
Ps3 screenshots
360 Screenshots
Ps2 Screenshots

I'll only buy Juiced 2 if the woman on the cover comes with the game.
Happily all cars are imports over here, so I guess I'll have to pass htis one. Oh, and look, it's Auntie Elena!
Apparently funnyman the ladies featured in the games fmv's will be touring with the game promotion.... oh to be a roadie... I suppose kidnap would be inherently wrong..
..Gnome thats the front cover of the elderly times your looking at, (brings Gnome over to the wallpaper...)
now that dosen't look like your Aunty elena does it?
Oh, I see. My mistake. Tehe...
The chick looks nice but I'm not sure if I should really get excited about another import car game. Aren't these a little played out? Nevertheless, at least the visuals look good...
Am I the only one who prefers arcade racers like Ridge Racer and Outrun?
HOT is right...the girl is more than nice man...she fine...so fine.
About the game...I'm waiting for NFS Pro Street.
(leads Gnome back to the couch...) Import car games have indeed be well and truly ploughed Ross, but im a sucker of racing games... probably because im crap at them but love being able to customise... sad i know...
pro street Spooky, i'll check it out.. hadn't paid it much attention till now...
(takes cactus pot out of Gnomes hand, replaces it with tea cup....)
I played the demo to this one on Live and it was great. Its likely gonna be a purchase for me in the near future.
By the way, sorry if it seems like i've been neglecting your page. I started a new job recently and it has me drained.
What is the name of the woman on the cover? More importantly, what is her phone number and is she single?
no sweat Phantasystar77, work constantly keeps interfering here too whenever you find the time is fine, waiting.... must try the demo myself.
Ursula Mayes is the lovely lady in question, says she's single and for the life of me I couldn't remember the phone number after I woke up... but it was a very nice dream....
Let me guess, you were dreaming that Ursula Mayes was kissing me.
...erm well not exactly...okay it's time to bargain, I'll bow out for Ursula if I can you give me free reign with Angelina....
That depends on how old Ursula is?
Sega Rally 3 is coming! MWUAAAHHAAA!
..Ursula..? I can't ask her how old she is... it's not right... I'll distract her you check the tag on the back of her t-shirt....
Sega Rally? .... sega rally?... now where have I heard sega rally mentioned before? :)
Wasn't this the game that was going to get some specific decals banned because of their overt sexuality in nature?
..never? juiced2? what overt sexuality.... i've looked timerunner but can find nothing about it's content being banned or removed...
You have to ask about her age. You know what they say about women don't you?
..grabs notebook.. wait a second i'll write it down.....
The younger the fruit, the sweeter the juice.
(elderly blushs bright red....) scribbles quickly.. hides notebook... thank you Funnyman. Problem is at my age looking at young women in their 20's is tantamount to be seen as a dirty old man.... now where did I leave that trenchcoat??
I see old men with young woman all the time. It is very common.
fathers and daughters perhaps?, over here it's a cultural tut tut, shame really....
I doubt they are family members. Fathers and daughters don't grope each other like that.
oh yes well .. indeed that is erm. quite true... i'd not seen the groping ... cough!.. (blushs....) yes quite.. hardly family members... oh dear...
Groping is widespread in many parts of the US. Not anything too kinky. It is more PG-13 than X rated.
one wonders whats the point... groping over here carries obvious intent... i should move to US...
Yes, move over here to the US as soon as possible. You can stay in my tent that is about 4 inches wide. Just be careful not to grope any cops.
...what not even the female ones?..
as luck would have it, I could pitch tent right next to you.... i've got a four person tent... which means i could probably take in lodgers to boost my income.....
things are looking up!!!
How dare you talk to lodgers? Looks like I am going to have to release the hounds.
..okay okay... no lodgers....
but surely we can have "guest" stay over occasionally... jolie, miss mayes, nariko... it's only being hospitable...
Alright, we'll split the difference. I get Angelina and Nariko, but you get Mayes.
..at my age probably more than i could handle.... okay then it's a deal.. though I would want miss jolie's autograph... if you could see your way through to convincing her....
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