Carola won the competition in 1991, but currently finds herself in the semi-finals stage. 'Invincible' is predictable, but it ticks all the Eurovision boxes, has a great performer, works well in its English translation and most importantly has a key change. The Elderly's top tip for Eurovison 2006. Apologies for the poor video definition but the sound is Ace.
Carola.com (official homepage)
Carola Biography
Sweden's page on ESC today (updated eurovision news)
Eurovision media centre (all the videos and "Invincible" in Swedish)
Carola's 1991 winning Eurovsion (video link to youtube)
Swedish version from PaulinoHC on youtube
Thanks to Bmni (English version) for posting on Youtube

Elle aurai du gagner l'eurovision, tout est trop bien, la chanson, la chanteuse,la chorégraphie...
il peut seulement aller mieux
I have the privilege to see her sing "Invincible" live a few hours ago.
I am swept off my feet...
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