The Outsider is a high-tech thriller played out against the backdrop of a living city. As a CIA operative the player has a mouth-watering arsenal of technology, combat talents and weaponry available to him. A shocking opening scenario wrongly makes him Public Enemy Number One in the eyes of the media and the public at large.
The traditional, linear story driven game, has been replaced by simulating the characters' motivations and aims, rather than a simple choice between Good or Evil actions.
In development at
Frontier Developments Ltd.More Screenshots from Ruliweb
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Good or Evil?
We my friend are way beyond (jenseits) such puny concepts...
indeed we are gnoble gnome, lost souls.. just prime for salvation....
In the prime of our youth too...
ah alas,were it so, i'm afraid alot of the leaves have fallen from my branches....
My branches have fallen all together...
Hopefully we'll grow new leave-branches-whatnot...
Dutch elm disease i ended up with, between my toes... imagine.... no probably dont imagine..... (moves feet away from gnomes face)
sorry...... I'll light an incence stick... what do you want YLang Ylang or Yellow lotus?
ehm... anythins should do... I guess... what's a Ylang Lotus... A tai Chi thing?
dunno, it's kust written on the packet.... and theres no calorie guide either
Cananga odorata, is the flower of the cananga tree. The flower is greenish yellow or pink, curly like a starfish, and yields a highly fragrant essential oil. The fragrance of ylang-ylang is rich and deep with notes of rubber and custard, and bright with hints of jasmine and neroli. The main aromatic component of ylang-ylang is methyl anthranilate.
Clever Richard is impressively smart!
(or lifting stuff from wikis)
he doesn't look a guy that'd lift stuff...... stiil better put your wallet away just in case.....
(duly noted)
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