So it's been 18 years since i've played this little beauty and only now do I discover it was well nigh impossible to complete on the Amiga ............ your inventory was limited to a small number of items and in order to complete the quest you needed to drop some objects, only problem being that when you dropped an object it disappears from the game.......... now they tell me.....
Another unusual aspect of the game was the copy protection in the shape of a grease proof paper grid (see above), which was placed over the boxes cover art. At certain key points of the game you were asked to enter the colour code corresponding to a grid reference, which was all very fine unless you were colour blind. The box cover art was done by renowned artist Roger Dean
The game starts when you arrive home only to discover your father has been murdered and your the principal suspect. Using a time machine and important clues left by the old man, you must hunt down his murderer. For the time the graphics were good, and the background music (by a gent called David Whittaker) as good, if not better. Of course what set it apart from other titles on the shope shelf, was the lushness of the box and the four discs, (which at the time meant loads of data and ergo a longer game). Did I finish it?, no....... but if I had it again I'd play it.
Walkthrough from homeflashnet
Solution from Back2roots
Texfiles solution
Psygnosis.org (a fansite museum) as recommended by Mr.Gnome

Another brilliant retro article... I love'em and you know it. Here's your free Tequilla (Hose Cuervo especial) collector's bottle, filled with a nice dark cuban rum.
Oh, and thanks again ;)
oh my god! you did bring me something back, i had nearly given up hoping.... (a tear rises in an elderly eye) you shouldn't have, this post wouldn't have been here only for your insistance..... sniff
wait i'll get some glasses.....
Sniff too...
And to think I've never played this alleged gem...
Intersting drink, dont you think?
it does rest on the pallette somewhat, it'll be better when we open the bottle though.....
Let's not risk it.. Care for Beer?
Beer it be....
(looks at tequila) later.......
(got myself magna carta fer ps2...... so far so enjoyable....)
Magna Carta? A law game perhaps?
no an rpg and with a neat change for me the battle system is in real time not turn based, lovely visuals......
very like a poor sister of FFX
a way of weaning myself away from Oblivion
I see... All is clear now... I'm at last enlightened... Praise thee oh Luciferest and most Burningest Elderliest!
and to beelzebub and all his deeds... praise be onto the enlightening...... let us give thanks.......
(lights a sacred incense stick)
It does smell a bit like grass, doesn't it?
Grass what you lie on or what you get arrested for.... smells like both a combination, thereby masking its illegal perils,
Strong with a hint of burnt custard....
My lawyer will not allow me to participate in this discussion any more. He advises me to shut up and smile.
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