Due Q4 2007 for xbox 360, Lost Odyssey is a role-playing game featuring both the music composer and producer of the Final Fantasy series. The second of two epic RPG projects for Microsoft by Mistwalker. You play as Kaim, a man who's been sentenced to live for 1,000 years.
Gamespot's Q&A with Hironobu Sakaguchi
Mistwalker Teaser Site
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Looks like a cross between Final Fantasy XII and XIII. Hardly surprising considering the guy behind it. Hironobu Sakaguchi heads Mistwalker and Nobuo Uemtasu composes for all his gameS. Between the 2 of 'em, they are pretty much Square aren't they. *LOL*
This game doesn't look as original and as stand out as Blue Dragon did. It'll be interesting to see how this does in Japan.
Well, maybe not as original as say the games us gnomes tend to release (y'know Taboo 8, Hot Gnomette 4: the Gang etc) or as dear J would have wanted it, but these steampunk pieces are quite excellent.
Deeply impressed Mr. Elderly, thank you.
Gnome, I loved Hot Gnomette 4, though the ending had me slightly puzzled, hopefully all will be revealed in the spind off Hotter Gnomette, a great series...
J, you are indeed quite correct, though im a sucker for my rpg's, no matter how derivative, but you are most correct Blue Dragon will tip the scales....
So what RPG are you playing at the moment Elderly? Or if you aren't playing one at the moment, which was the last you played?
greetings J,
current rpg of choice is tales of eternia on the psp, though the battling is getting on my wick....)
still have an passing interest in in steambot chronicles on the ps2...
and im continously threatening to go back to Oblivion
it's not easy being indescisive......
Wow, never knew a hotter gnomette is in the works. Amazing. At last everything will be explained. Bliss!
...40hr plus gameplay as well... it's going to be a cracker.. hope they get the camera issue sorted....
And they should try a shaved gnomette... Her beard was just awful...
..yes the forums were awash with criticism on the facial hair.... but I found it added a certain athmosphere to the art style.....
rumours suggest the beard, blood, and 5 different Gnomette voices will selectable from the configuration menu....
this is going to be the best Gnomette instalment ever....
Excuse me dear friend, but I can't help but drool.
Here goes... DRoooooooooooooooooOOOOL
(on the carpet)
sigh! ..okay let me figure this out, what exactly did you think the stainless steel kegs with "Drool here" on them were for...?
Now I see... Ok...
(moves appropriately)
Droool, drooly, drool...
..well thank you..... thats excellent..... i've got a mobile version... here..
(hands gnome drool keg with a neck halter.....)
looks a bit awkward but it's quite effective... only it holds less so you've got to empty it more often....
Wow. Fantastic. Thank you! I'll wear to work daily...
...your so lucky, having something to drool about at work... i dry up completely...
HEhe... :)
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