80% IGN.com Review said
"At the end of the day it manages to keep you glued to your seat with complicated theme and mature subject matter -- that's no easy feat. This last installment may not be on the same level as other PS2 classics like Final Fantasy X or Dragon Quest VIII."
80% Gamespot.com Review said
"Episode III manages to resolve just about every remaining loose end you'd want tied up. If you've missed the previous two chapters, the barrier of entry to this game is high."
80% 1up.com Review said
"For bruised and beaten fans, they can now treasure a final chapter that manages to satisfy, if not outright enamor. They got it right, and just in time."
Xenosaga III Walkthrough from Gamefaq
Xenosaga III Official Website (Japanese)
Xenosaga III Official Website (English)
Xenosaga Fansite

Hmmm.... good reviews. Lack of porn obvious. Doesn't seem to play on PC. Guess I'll miss it...
there a secret costume section.... oh well i tried, ye have no ps2?
Not even a tiny PS2 I'm fraid... Neither any contemporary console, if of course you exclude a Dreamcast...
At least, the saga is complete. Now that it is fully realized, I shall relish in it's splendor and enjoy the full understanding that is Xenogears.
As for those who do not have a PS2 and are instead the PC gamer..."Na, na, ne, na, na. Diddlee, diddlee, diddlee, diddlee *raspberry*
(separates gnome and timerunner) really!!!
Dreamcast counts,
(includes a ps in his Santa letter.... gnome.... alone... only a pc.....this christmas.... thank you)
waitress!! no more herbal tea for Mr. Timerunner......
Great. I'll have some of mr. Timerunner's tea and then go pre-order my Wii...
pours some "herbal" for Gnome.... steady it's a strong brew.... ah the glorious Wii.....
And all those nice wii colors. And the numbers. The butterflies...
No tea for me? So be it. Wii this, Wii that. I shall have to take a closer look at this Wii. It hurts a bit that most the info is still classified but if everyone is so hyped up over it I'll need to see what the hubbubb is about.
(moves Gnome to a secure area....... for his safety and the safety of those around him)
Wii's online service (much like xbox live) has promised that users will be able to download games originally available only for the NES, Super NES, and Nintendo 64, and also Sega's Genesis/Mega Drive and NEC's TurboGrafx-16 systems.
In addition Wii promises ti will be home to new games conceived by indie developers whose "creativity is larger than their budgets"
promises yes, but i sat up an listened.....
Thank you Elderly dear. Have some tea timerunner. Nice. All settled then...
It's all well gentleman. I had heard the news about the online network that could DL games from the entire Nintendo library. I didn't give that much thought seeing how bad the GC online system was.
But the other game party DL's is interesting. Perhaps I might be crossing the system off well before it's final due.
It will be interesting to see how the indie development works into things.
indeed the indy force is very strong in this one....
You say so, master elderly?
Ah yes, so it is, so it is.
From all I gather it just looks like a GC done right in reguards to interactivity. The graphics and proccessoring power doesn't all seem impressive. Moreso with the screen shots we have. What they do seem to have going for them is the "retro" aspect of the systems capabilities. I can see why gnome loves this system.
But from what I can see so far, besides it's gaming inovations, it's nothing more than the GC reworked.
I love my state of the art eyeball splitting crystal clear graphics.... don't get me wrong
A reworked GC on it's own, is not going to sell like hotcakes, and i can accept theres a mounting hype around it's commitment to gamers.
But if wii was a reworked playstation, i'd still want my sweaty mitts around it, purely for the disparate elements, retro downloads, outspoken commitments from major developers (Tecmo announcing it would "actively" support the console, tears of unrestrained gratitude from indy developers, who would have melted into obscurity were they to rely on sony or microsoft.
From reading between the lines if it only fulfills a fraction of the hype, it'll be a great little games machine.
True on all accounts. But I feel it's going to be up to the gamers in deciding what they want. IF they are smart they'll weigh the pros and cons of owning the system. I'm almost sold on it given how they also plan to release a SNES style controller for the old skool games.
If they are looking for pologyonal crunching power one may become disappointed. But then again Nintendo's was never really better graphics but gaming inovation. After all, they survived on the gameboy for this long and it's tech that's almost a decade out of date. But it kept chugging along with solid gameplay.
Sorry for writing so much but after seeing the news release in NYC about the Wii launch this is all getting very exciting.
Yep Wii's all over the blogosphere this evening, even the dogs in the street were barking the price and the release date (well a few dogs...)
But indeed your right it's the cash register that'll show whether it's captured gamer's imagination.... with the delay of the Ps3 till March in Europe, and faced with games prices of €74.99 for the 360, wii might be Santa's gift of choice..
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