Well I know I have... many a time i find myself asking myself "what are twitch games", so often in fact i said to myself "Seamus" says I "you must find out what twitch games are". And so I did.
Twitch games are video games in which the player must react quickly to circumstances, to continue playing and win the game. The kick in a twitch game is that gameplay is quick and the reward or loss immediate. Any time a player actively responds to a rapidly changing scenario within a game, the player is said to be "twitching".
So now I know and you know and the World is a happier place.
Posted by the leprechaun.
Great Job Seamus, just one point your posting on the elderly gamer, not the doddery gamer.
Begorrah, i didn't see that, i'll change it straight away

(standing ovation)
(naked cheering)
Ah, a real treasure you got there Mr. Elderly, and if the leprechaun ever gets bored with blogging, then.. uhm... he'll have to change jobs I guess...
Indeed thank you mr.gnome, i think i've made a wise move, i needed a hand round here and well Seamus just managed to pop through the ethersphere.... which was really Kismet... strange really his appearance, but thats a story for another day....
Why thank you Gnome, I hope you don't mind if i call you Gnomey........
your smaller than i'd expected, .... you must be from the mediteranean sect...... and don't worry theres no chance of me getting bored here.... once i've established myself it shouldn't take me too long to start changing things around here to my taste...
...erm with mr.elderlies permission of course.....
A great first blog Seamus! Very good indeed! Be careful you don't do the auld fella out of a job...
I like 'the doddery gamer'... it has a certain flair.
Well things have certainly got very amusing round here since you arrived! Keep up the good work!
And may I reccomend a certain franchise called Dead Or Alive... It's kept me twitching for some time...
I'm just smiling like a fool in front of the PC. Wouldn't know what to write, really.
Cheers all!
..thank you for such kind words Father Krishna, may i call you FC? well the reception is a lot warmer than i expected, maybe it's pure luck , as the old man said i hope to change things around here for the better, god knows he could do with redecorating. Still it's all to play for and I would hate to usurp the old fellas control....
too soon.....
but who knows, from big trees do little leafs grow and become ...
hello gnomey!!! your looking very happy today.... thats a good sign.... ive had time to digest the contents of the envelope and I must say your idea has great merit.... here
(passes large envelope to the smiling Gnome)
(swallows envelope)
I'll digest yours now and let you know oh whimsical creature with a fierce tendency to redecorate. The place does need a splash of green really..
That's all well and good but why no mentionings of said games? No Resident Evil 4? Or DOAXVB? Or even Shenmue.
You did that on purpose didn't you...
well i bought the paint on the old fellas credit card.... Gnome you don't think emerald green would be too hard on the eyes?
Timerunner i fear a quite simple bunch us leprechauns, i had intended throwing in a few game titles, but was pretty pissed at the time.
And what does Twitch games have to do with a womans...
Emerald green is just fine... Actually more than fine. It's bleeding amazng!
...twitch games and women's necklaces.... well erm... nothing, cepting it was a very pretty necklace and I hadn't realised that photos were supposed to have some relevance to the post... i was a beginer, made a drunken error, for which i will make amends in due course.....
it is a very pretty necklace...
(smiles at timerunner....)
Emerald green it is...... now i need to divert the old fella away for a few days...... i'll try a test patch first see what you think... thanks for your support Gnome, it can be very isolating here in guest blogger land....
(smiles at Gnome)
(smiles bacK)
(yawns a bit)
(yawns wider)
I need a coffee mate!
..tired? wait! you haven't been drinking the old fellas cocoa have you..... (checks mug beside Gnome.....) oh dear!
i'll get some pillows and a blanket, hope you haven't any pressing matters to attend to on Monday.....
...goddam i should colour code the mugs in here..... that coulda been me.... poor Gnome fella.....
(covers Gnome in blankets, places pillow beneath his head......)
I'll have to be much more careful in future......
(tip toes out of the room.....)
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