From Academy Award winning filmmaker Mel Gibson (“The Passion of the Christ,” “Braveheart”), comes APOCALYPTO: a heart stopping mythic action-adventure set against the turbulent end of the once great Mayan civilization.
When his idyllic existence is brutally disrupted by a violent invading force, a man is taken on a perilous journey to a world ruled by fear and oppression where a harrowing end awaits him. Through a twist of fate and spurred by the power of his love for his woman and his family he will make a desperate break to return home and to ultimately save his way of life. Due in Theatres December 8th, vid from motoclub
Official Movie Website
Fan Site

My personal opinons on Mel Gibson aside, I'm actually interested in this movie.
Heck, I might even watch it in the theater! ;)
I just don't think i can bring myself to watch anything with his name attached to it after his shitty anti-semitic remarks. Whilst I'm no fan of Israel as a political force, to atack Jewish people as a whole was just crass.
actually I can think of something with his name attached to it that I will watch again and again and again...
the Mad Max trilogy I fucking love those films!
...oh no not again, Gnomes fallen into the Nile............
ahhh mad max those were the days.... i did't watch the passion of christ, but this is on the cards..... although i will admit those remarks were totally off keell, I'ts a bummer when your mouth works before your brain......
...opens a window......
Anyone seen the South Park episode "The passion of the Jew"? Pretty sure FK would enjoy it. You too dear Elderly.
ah south park..... a little like our podge and rodge.... heading over to my TV channel of choice youtube, bound to find it there.......
I can't say I saw that episode but I did hear it while I was in bed as my younger siblings watched it.
I fell asleep to the sound of Jesus saying "No, no, not again" *highpitched girly cries starting from low, medium and high*
Anywho, what was this posting about, oh yes
*another raspberry*
Oh, and may I add, that should YouTube fail us, there are always the torrents....
Braveheart was a fine film...
This will be good- but its in subtitles only...!!
(encodes message to Gnome)
precisely, the rain came down in torrents, teeming it was, so torrential was the teeming torrent, that the torrent teemed freely down loads of city streets.....
(message ends)
subtitles have a place in my heart, but they tire me pretty quickly, hopefully theres an option to switch it off.... crouching tiger hidden dragon and flying daggers were ace with the distraction of having to read everything....
...how did timerunner slip in a message without me seeing it... guess when your trained in counter espionage, that sorta thing becomes second nature.. please send decipher overlay for raspberry subtext and training manual for sleeping during high pitched cries...
10 4
...such an irreverantly joyful link, i couldn't help but smile and dust the snow of my shiny head......
..picking up some interference.....
8778 ooooooooofjjjjjj
no good... try putting your hand on the reindeer......
Heard "in" for a moment...
...... no must have been star radiation.... wait now....
(puts hand on TV aerial....)
ho... tha.... 087097777
...I'm getting a picture but it's very snowy.....
(a long haired girl appears in the elderlies tv screen....)
Fuck what?
(frozen by fear, wathcing the strange girl in the screen begin to climb out onto his carpet... elderly can only mutter.....)
her.... there climbing out of the TV screen.... Gnome quickly change the station..... .......
(elderlies hair turns prematurely white...... well less prematurely than normal.....)
(gnome stands frozen and generally perplexed)
(still standing)
(confusion settles in)
(the blakc haired girl crawls on her hands and knees towards Gnome and elderly... her her is long it covers her face completely...under can be heard a guttural ripping sound...
elderly perfoms a fatherkrishna evacuation....)
Gnome... use the magic....
(gnome finally gets it)
I got it!
It's the Ring girl! Horrah!
Care for an autograph Miss?
..an autograph? you mean she's just an actress?... well how the hell did she just climb through my telly....
(looks at tv screen......) wonder if theres an angelina jolie in there?
(Elderly starts to climb through the telly......>)
An Actress? Why of course not Sire!
She's a top supernatural persona.
(sporting a nasty bump form headbutting himself agains the TV screen.......)
a supernatural persona..... wow! so she has special powers... why is quivering like that and looking at me with all the hair.. .wheres her mother?
Go on... ask her.. not me.
your right, I will
hello little girl, where's your mummy?
hello, did you hear me? where's your mummy?
now little girl, it's very rude not to answer questions... if you don't behave... im unplugging the TV....
(... a dull humming noise appears behind the old man....)
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