Yep it caught my attention too.......... for PC only, Called MultiTes4 and still in Alpha mind you (limited implementation), the mod at the moment allows two players to be placed in the game world, with plans for up to 8. Implementation on xbox360........ahmm probably never
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from Eurogamer
elderly tags oblivion multiplayer mod tes4 PC
No good!! Oblivion needs unlimited players- like a real world!
More like what Huxley is working on! -being able to hold 5000 players in each city and 100 vs 100 for wars, possibly more..!
Let's just hope Oblivion doesn't turn into another (of the trite and many) MMOs. 8 players is more than enough and an interesting idea...
not so sure I'd want an mmo Oblivion, mmo certainly have their moments, my experience of FFxi, gold sellers, nobody talking, people running round like headless chickens, ruined the experience a bit.
On a lighter note, I got kicked out of the fighters guild, in frustration I went on the forums and discovered if you hit your horse you get booted, as if you had attacked a guild member, and fined one credit.
So in frustration I deleted my save game, and ........ and well I'm starting all over again, this time i'm leaving the horse at home, and like Deitrix keeping lots of backup save games
Cute glitch though!
Oh dear... Poor Mr. Elderly. At least you learned a lesson today. Horseys are never to be trusted. Or, as the French have it, horses are never to be served with mashed potatoes.
On the bright side of things, you'll get to re-experience Oblivion from the beginning. Perhaps in a subtle way, than that laid ahead of the fighter. Be a rogue. Or a gnome. Or -that's the best part- a rogueish gnome.
I do hope someone creates gnomes for Oblivion. World of Warcraft has some...
capital idea mr.gnome, Gnomes are sadly lacking in Oblivion, and yes a good horse steak demands a crunchier tuber.
This time around i'm going to use a lot more magic, a cuter protagonist and a sword the size of an oblivion gate. I might evev cheat and look for the unicorn, like gnomes a much more dependable species.
Unicorns though tend to be -at times- quite bad mannered. Us on the other hand been brought up in the strictest bourgois manner. Take me for example... I'm something between Marie Antoinette and Rockefeller. A typical gnome!
Anyway, best of luck in your new Oblivion adventures Mr. Elderly.
Do you get booted for even hitting Shadowmere?
Your starting over from scratch..? Didnt you have well over a hundred hours in the game? I wouldnt mind trying a new character, but I have way to much time invested in this one to start a new right now...
The horse tip is good to know- I will have to remember that one cause hitting you horse is easly done by mistake!
Oblivion multiplayer sounds great. All I need is the game and a 360. Soon, both will be mine *Insert evil laugh here*
Gnome pedigree was never in doubt, the temperament to storm the bastille, but avoid looting, I'm a tad upset about the unicorn, I wonder do they taste the same as horses.
Deitrix, I couldn't figure it for a while, I was breaking the guild code and hadn't stolen or hit anybody, twas only after the expulsion i bothered checking, keeping only an autosave and a regular save wasn't enough to allow me to backtrack... hopefully the 360 patch solved the horse glitch, we'll see.
"haaarr harr haaaa haarrrr" world domination laugh inserted Gamer C
Gnome, I think I'll wait till after I get good and evil to begin again, but thank you for your kind wishes.
Well all be damned, those modders do anything. Thanks for the link.
Oh, you will enjoy Beyond Good and Evil Mr. Elderly... And never taste a unicorn...
no problem juuso, horrible indispensable modders turning great games into classics. tsk!
Hello mr. gnome, i have now in my proud possession a copy of bg&e, when the sun dies down, and the city heads off to sleep, my ps2 will flicker to life, the lights will go down in the elderly household and the adventure will begin. (salivates)
You are so right mr.gnome, ive just checked on wikipedia and discovered unicorns are high in poly what you may call ems. Got to keep the cholestrol down. thank you for saving my life!
(stares at the thirteen letter word verification code) what de.......
is what I'll have to type. Not bad. Could be worse. Like Unicorn kebab or something...
And I do envy you... Playing BGAE for the first time can be extremely exciting. Hope you enjoy it... Let me (us better) know...
I started it late last night and played for about an hour, it's gorgeous and warming and rustic and funny.......the slow mo in the introductory fighting session, the appearance of the fly when i kicked the barrel, the gruff but loving piggy, the photo session (got 13 so far) the care gone into the programming, the orphaned children, and the little touches..........a game made with love and attention, Thank you mr. Gnome you are a brilliant recommender.....
(hugs gnome......carefully)
Thanks a lot (mainly for avoiding to crush my lungs)... I'm really glad you're enjoying this game. It's the only one I'm actually buying and giving to people. Well, not all the time, but I've bought it 3 times. The first one was for me. All were budget priced :)
i paid 12 yo yos for it, and i will indeed be recommending this side of the irish sea.....got a half hour in this evening......bloody world cup....
thank you again for the recommendation, I am truly enjoying it.......
I'm really glad you're, and this World Cup seems to be getting quite interesting! Let's hope the Germans don't win any of their 2 last games and it'll all be fine (and dandy)..
kinda miss brazil, but they didn't deserve a place......Zidane...ahh!
for the pleasure that man has brought to my football viewing and as this is his last world cup....it would be nice to see him hold up it aloft....
I hear Beckham is stepping down as english captain......not a wet eye in the house
Perhaps he should also consider stopping football alltogether... We're so sick of the one thing he can decently do...
Zidane, now, that's a real player. I must also say the same for Ronaldo. He may be almost-crippled, fat, slow and above (even slightly) 30, but he's a real fighter.
your right ronaldo still has the magic, latent! but even a glimmer makes me smile
me too, me too...
Aha... you gave this one up!
:) (ok, call it a tie)
no you cheated by adding the last comment in extra time........which now means that under official blogging rules means we haven't finished yet.........
So be it... Ready... Set... Fight...
(no sudden deaths and other passe FIFA rulings apply)
agreed no sudden things, no passe things
half there...
:+ (elderly take out his dentures)
(time for coffe now)
:) (waves white flag)
Ok, you can leave the flag
Um how would i get this on 360?? and that would be cool with like alot of people but i think it would kinda lag up alot cause once u reach max level and wait for a dungeon to respawn when u open a chest it can totally freak out ur system so i think maybe 2 people is a much better idea and maybe some level restricitions :D
We may have to wait till Elder Scrolls V to see some multiplayer... your right anonymous, lag would be a issue, and given the slowdown on some areas, we may be looking for more power or less graphic quality.....
WOW, its june 25, 2007 and still no multiplayer????????? i hopes they come out cuz im diein to try it. better to have 8 people than mmo cuz to much lag, not as much fun!!!!!
p.s. theres been an annoyin moth flutterin beside me since i started writin this. prob squished by time u read this.
gnome, are u really a gnome, cuz i thought gnomes were make beleive, of coarse i been wrong, i thought fairys were make believe until i caught one in a mouse trap.
i see no bodys been on this for like a year, but never hurts to leave a mark in case someone drops by to read this.
i tried to use cheats i got of internet but they just screwed my oblivion up so my char. stats wouldnt go up!!! >:(
Hiya Ventage.... ya caught a fairy.. in a moustrap.. please god don't tell me it's dead!!...
Gnomes pretty real character.. though im still a bit dubious as to whether he's a real Gnome or not...
pity about the mucked up download... always pick a trusted site like the oblivion forums... i reckon multiplayer won't make it to Oblivion. .but it will have to be there for Eldersrolls V..... your quite right, lag would destroy it, thanks for leaving the comment
Looks like I'm back here again. ;D
Anyway, I understand with Bethesda's logic in keeping with a focus on a great single-player experience.. but while they do an excellent job with it, the number of fans clamoring for a multiplayer option of some sort is steadily growing and from a money-making standpoint alone the choice to add a component for multiplayer, preferrably adventuring together and not just deathmatches and the like, should be a given.
Implementation of such a thing really isn't that hard to imagine, either. Those of us who played Morrowind remember the NPCs one spoke with to visit the areas added in the Bloodmoon and Tribunal expansions, and coding one in that only appeared when one, say, downloaded the hypothetical expansion and was connected to the net really isn't something any of us would see as very difficult. No, I'm not a programmer, but adding an NPC that appears based on specific perameters is kind of how a lot of Oblivion's characters play out.
Obviously, those of us who can afford to be nickel-and-dimed for the expansion and all the little goodies for 360 Oblivion, and for those desiring them on PC as well as the unofficial mods there, would make an obvious target market for something like that, and it would bring in other players tired of the typical point-and-click grindfest that even the good MMOs usually end up being.
And as for balancing such an area to keep the gap between players from being massive based on cheats or stat-grinding.. that is easily fixed via patching that sets cap stats and the like, to keep the game both fair and feasible. And that would be an optional-ish patch only required if you wanted to go expansion, so people who spent months making their "perfect" character wouldn't lose them for singleplayer.
I know, there's a lot more to this than what I'm saying, but I'm simply making examples Bethesda employees will probably never read. But my main point overall is that it can be done and it could be done well, and turn out very enjoyable.
I don't care so much for the idea of a deathmatch/CTF thing for Oblivion, as I have Halo for that, but an arena would be cool since the one in the Imperial Province gets boring pretty quick once you're the Grand Champion. What I'm more interested in, and what I'm sure many are, is the ability to explore and adventure at any given level with other players for exciting, challenging experiences.
And the roleplay potential with the 360 keypad, for us writers who like taking our characters to the next level, is just enormous.
Anyway, my apologies for such a long post, but like many people I've been considering this concept for a long time and after a lot of thought it's become clear, and not just to me.. Fallout 3 aside, Bethesda really could do this and could do it well. And I'd even pay an extra month fee besides XBL to participate.
P.S. Oh, and yes, I'm a 360 player for ESIV, but it could be done for PC just as if not more easily since the mod mentioned intially has already been partially successful.
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