"The power of the Xbox 360 allows us to dive deeper into a world of disturbing realism." said David Bamberger, US Marketing Manager, Eidos, Inc. The game portrays the violent and chaotic journey of two men - a flawed mercenary and a medicated psychopath – and their brutal attitude towards right and wrong.
Eurogamer Preview
Gamespot Preview
Team Xbox screenshots

Funny... now I thought you said Kevin Lynch... Weird... Noone outside our profession actually knows him..
Holy Crap!! I have high hopes..! This is looking awesome.
indeed Deitrix, awesomeness and adult.... ah mature games....
(cleans Gnome eyes with alcohol wipes.....) Any better?
Looking alot better than Hitman! Some pretty hardcore graphics too...
the hitman connection put me off, till i had a glimpse at the screenshots..... though hit man wasn't without it's risque moments
Forget the hitman, what about the nex experiance as to play a medicated psychopath. Now I can see if the videogame industry got that game character down right. We know they can do borderline sociopaths and petty thugs, why not play like Dr. Hannibal Lector.
(Gnome sits up)
What are you dribbling about gnome. What's this prOn? Anywho, who is David Lynch. I only ask because he does sound very familair to me, but for the life of me I can't recall where I heard that name. Besides this blog of course..
David lynch (twin peaks, blue velvet, mulholland drive) once described as Jimmy Stewart from Mars.
I experience playing as a medicated psychopath, almost everytime i sit down to a difficult game.
Pron, where......?
Twin Peaks was before my time but I remember now. Too bad I am not familair with his works. I recall how panned that series was.
The theme music was all i listened to, a cast of thousands, and just as many plotlines
Pr0n is the reason earth exists. Other than that, I wasn't actually refering to David Lynch (may the Lord give him aeons f good life and tons of naked ladies), but more to Kevn Lynch. He's a scholar of Urban Form and Image...
Urban Form and Image?
(looks at Gnome.....)
Yes, yes, come on... He published such timeless (well, sort of) books such as "Good City Form" and "The Image of the City" and then went on and died without ever producing a movie...
(looks at timerunner)
where'd he go?
so it's not david lynch the planner..... (closes wikipedia page) oh well you can't win em all......
Never heard of the books or of his death. Why do I feel we lost something just now...
well it's either because gnome's sprinkled magic downer powder all over the carpet.....
or we as a species have missed something really special......
odd feeling.... must be the powder
(grabs hoover....)
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