Supernatural role-playing game about a group of high school students, caused a stir at E3 and apparently justified with a score of 88% from 15 reviews on Metacritic.com The Ps2 just keeps on giving.
Reviews Summary
Compelling story and addictive gameplay
Definitely a game only for the true RPG faithful
An engaging title that truly pushes genre conventions in an exciting way
Steps outside the bounds of normality, a story telling masterpiece.
Games like Persona 3 are the reason we play games
P3 proves RPGs don't need big budgets to be all-around awesome
At times shocking and always intense, Persona 3 is not a game you are likely to forget
Persona 3 Official Website
Persona 3 Walkthrough from Gamefaq
Sample Review from Gamespot
Screenshots (104) from IGN
Wallpaper on Rendered Beauty

Gothic role-playing game about supernatural high school students and it gets an 88%? Shocking. Probably it's the pedophiles reviewing it...
what? but, what did I miss? but Gnome you cant' .....gulp!....
(runs to delete post.. trips, falls and breaks his nose rendering him unconcious.....)
Shame on you gnome. Pedophiles are not the main source of love to the goth crowd. It just helps them much to fit into a game feature that works well in their favor. Persona just screamed Goth influences. it's only natural, more so with me only naturally wishing I didn't pass up on Persona 1 and 2 and wanting 3 right now for my October gaming fest.
Don't fear the goth gnome, we won't bite...
Looks like a cool game. Im broke though :( Ah well, I have tons to play anyway.
Thankfully you don't have to have any knowledge of the first two games to play this... they just make minors references for the fans (in a comical sense) throughout the game. I would try it but I fall under the (A) Not having money and (B) Not having enough time to play another damn RPG categories...
(opens eyes....) Phantasystar77, Ross, Timerunner.... what happened... Gnome said something bout... no.. I must have been having a nightmare.... who hates goths..?
I hate being under category (A and pushing my limits to stay with one foot in category (B... one day though...
(reads comments....) WhAT!!. the... Gnome how...
(elderly runs to erase post trips over Timerunners foot, bangs head against table leg.. rendering him unconscious.... again....)
I am stunned there are still games being made for the PlayStation 2.
And some terrific ones at that... unlike the xbox the ps2 is well supported but then it has a huge ownership base...
this is the first video game i bought in like a year. its hella sick and i dont regret spending the money on it. dont really get a goth vibe from it though....maybe its just me.
Hi Anonymous, i'd already penned it in as a purchase whenever it comes out here (Europe)
though it's billed as gothic.... from the screenshots/trailer I dont' see a goth style either, seems the pr dept at Atlus, have a different intrepretation of gothic, i'll amend the opening line in case it leads someone astray.. thanks for comment..
To me, the only gothic characters in this game are Igor and the "mysterious boy" that confronts you a week before the full moon. Then again. Ive only got as far as the MAIN first boss since there are like....3 mini bosses before hand. This game is AMAZING! Though its a bit pricey...maybe because I got the pack. Which comes with the game, art, and music. $53 plus tax
But this game is truly a game not to be missed. Absolutely love this game.
indeed anonymous I know I'm missing out on something great... every week i check to see whether theres any update on a European release... it's shameful we have to wait so long.. .didn't know about the special edition... worth every cent I reckon... hope they release a special ed here too.....
thank you for taking the time to comment...
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