Buy the Premium edition of Need for Speed Carbon and for the extra mulla you'll get a few more extras over the standard version, 4 additional cars, 10 pre-tuned cars, 6 new races and a Bonus DVD containing movies and music. Not content with extracting top whack for your premium version, EA have thoughfully provided even more content for you to purchase on xbox marketplace, when you return home. How's that for customer focus?
And here comes the ho hum dousy.......The standard version (costing you $59.99 or €74.99) has all the content on the disc!???. Yes that's right all pre-loaded and cleverily encrypted. So if you want to soup up your meagre purchase, it'll cost you the same price as you paid for the game to unlock it with purchased code from Xboxlive. How's that for customer focus?
I suppose we really can't blame EA, it's not like they know any better, but what makes this even more unpalatable is they are being fully supported by Microsoft's Xbox Market Place Service in this endeavour.
All the dirty details from britishgaming.co.uk
If your miffed enough you might like to add your sentiments to the following post on Major Nelson Need for Speed Content

Blimey! Elderly how can you afford to indulge yourself in the pleasures of the next gen? I truly despise EA. Read an interesting post on Dreamcast Planet that revealed they are using the internet features of 360 games to collect information on gameplayers so they can fleece them in the future in a variety of ways. Know this is common practise these days but I think its blooming despicable! Coupled with the fact that they never supported the Dreamcast, contributing to it's untimely demise, and it adds up to a Krishnatastic hatred of said company!
Anyhoo... The last thing I have or ever will buy by that particular corporate whore is Tiger Woods Golf for the DS. Not a bad little game, but guess what? If you want to play against a chum on the tiny console, you have to buy two copies of the game! Pirates!!
Unlike Ridge Racer on the DS or Tekken D.R. on the PSP which allow you to share your purchase with a pal for nothing. Rant finished over and out!
Blimey! Elderly how can you afford to indulge yourself in the pleasures of the next gen?
I cant believe you would do such a thing Elderly!!!
Just for that I will be passing on this game.....
....problem is guys, next gen gaming is expensive..... no getting away from it, so when i make a purchase I'ts got to be a sure fire winner, but this sorta rip-off makes me despair......
EA have never been a favourite.... this seals it....
Blimey! Good on yer Deitrix for indulging in my rant! Lordy, lordy etc...
Elderly lets get ourselves into the 'last gen' timewarp...
Fancy a cuppa? Got fresh Tunnnocks in mr biscuit tin...
....oh i thought you'd never ask, mr biscuit tin will sleep much lighter tonight........
Very sneaky of them indeed to do this. But that's capitalism for you and it makes more sence in a bargin saver wise business model. If you want all the goodies now and not want to pay a higher price for them later: Get the high end release.
Afterall, in the end if you happen to be one of those poor souls who buys the low end release then are itching for the lovely downloads then BANG! It's better than running out and buying the higher end copy. Instead you can stay in the comfort of your own home and pay for the unlocking.
Though this is a risk, not only in alienating gamers worldwide (ie, us) but look what happened with GTA's "Hot Coffee" code locked minigame. That didn't say locked for now.
I fear this is a growing trend with online games now with downloadable content. The companies will be pushing the envelope to determine what should be free and what should cost in gaming content.
First the "speical edition release games that cost 20 dollars more experiment" and now this. The times are changing indeed.
...strangely i had no problem downloading the horse armour for Oblivion even though in principle I was aware i was ripped off, strange that, yet i rage against EA. What miffs me are companies attempting to change the manner in which consumer items are being purchased. I agree the climate is changing, perhaps because we as gamers don't have a collective voice....
I picked up on this story late, by then there was a major outcry on neogaf and major nelson site, someone listened..... the price has already dropped in US....
Blimey! And lets say it again... Blimey!
Lets all regress in a 'Junk Yard stylee' to the days when someone could play a game without some corporate spy raping their personal buying history for a quick buck...
Dreamcast anyone? Cripes, heck blimey! ad. infinitum...
part from oblivion and gears of war, Dreamscast makes alot more sense than i had ever imagined. over 100 next gen titles for the 360 they say i've got 6....
Six dreamcast titles would cost you approximately £15 these days though back in the (2001) day that would equate to £240. That tells me two things... Obviously if you're happy to restrict your (very acceptable) gameplay to the DC you're laughing financially!
Also if games can command the dollar they did when the DC was a hot property, and then command the bargain basement prices they do now... obviously the manufacturers were laughing at us then and still are now... The profit margins on games must be huge!
BTW Elderly... I've posted a poor review of a great game on the 'Yard, but still need my 'feedback fix' so please drop in and impart your critical knowledge in the feedback...'comments' section...
To have your feedback on any of my postings is like a badge of honour...
...i've spotted a couple of dreamcast consoles at my local steal and sell shop..... tempted......
heading over to the yard as we speak, ...now where did i put that victoria cross......
Get one! Get one! Get one! Soul Calibur... Come on, one of the best gaming experiences ever for under £20....
(Father Krishna starts swinging a large gold fob watch in front of the Elderly's face whilst weird theramin music begins to play in the background... "You WILL buy a Dreamcast, you WILL buy a Dreamcast...")
pritty watch..... shiny..... dreamcast..... music......
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