from wikipedia
Unreal Tournament 3, codenamed Envy and formerly known as Unreal Tournament 2007, is part of the Unreal series of games and is the sequel to 2004's Unreal Tournament 2004. Using Unreal Engine 3, it is a first-person shooter video game designed mainly for multiplayer gaming, although the game has a built-in single-player mode that mimics multiplayer gaming by featuring bots with artificial intelligence. On January 25, 2007, Midway made an official announcement that the newly renamed game, Unreal Tournament 3, would be released for Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360. Currently, the game's official release date is unknown, though it is scheduled for release sometime in the second half of 2007. Vid from kzymeth via IGN.
screens from gamespot
video from IGN
UT3 Official Website
UT3 forums

Damn, another top-tier PS3 game being brought to Xbox 360. I dont want to sound biased, but right now there is little to no reason to own a PS3. Of course, that could change in the future (if you remember I was quite skepticle of the 360 for months), but for now, it's a $600 waste.
..it's not like we didn't tell em... but killer apps heading over onto the xbox360 is going to be a nail in the coffin....
I don't know what is better. That the Xbox360 is becoming more of the mainstay or that the preasure is now on at Sony. The gaming wars are heating up indeed.
And PC graphic cards remain ridiculously expensive... Still, love the Blade Runner-ish style. Also know (got a psychic real close) this will be an almost perfect FPS.
Thank you for the eye-candy dear Elderly!
I vote for the 360 becoming mainstream... with an option to giggle when Ps3 price drops....
...an almost perfect FPS....
wow!...... (drools.......) ooopsh!
...nice find elderly, any idea whether you can modify the outfits on the females?
..probably on the PC Seamu......
.... really Seamus you've got a one track mind you know that?
...aye elderly, i never lose my train of thought that way...
train of thought?
one track?
wow a happy bunch we have here then!
Gotta love 'em wise and concetrated leprechauns... Right Mr. Elderly?
Love the grren splash non the top of the blog too...
Seamus I admire your one track mind... If only that track read to Tera Patrick's front door... or back door...(OOER!)
Secondly I admire the new shiny name plate over the door...
He must have resigned himself to a ful time partnership!
May I be first to raise a glass to your permanent residence on the Rickety!
Hiya Gnome hiya FK, thanks for the support, the name plate was my idea, seeing as the old fart wouldn't let me paint the entire blog green.... old people have, no sense of adventure..... erm he dosen't know about the name plate yet, so i'd prefer to......
oh oh!
...what name pla... holy jeez who put that... Seamus!!! I might have know... (looks at Gnome and FK....) and you two are as bad for encouraging him.....
pah!!! alright leave it up for now Seamus but in future ask first.....
(takes FK's raised glass......) great I could do with that.... concentrated leprechauns indeed......
...geez im real sorry mr.elderly, i'll ask in future don't you worry, sorry... don't know what came over me... in recompense allow me to cook some dinner for the assembled gathering.........
corn beef and cabbage, never fails to sooth the angry heart...
(smiles at the elderly gamer...)
I know damn well my PC would not be able to handle that game. I'm in doubt as to whether I can run Vista!! *LOL* The game looks sweet though. I'm not a FPS fan and own Unreal 2004, but never play it. But still...2007 looks really good.
Hiya Seamus, hiya Elderly, hiya FK, hiya J, oh ... and hello there Miss Tera!
(swiftly combs the beard to a new particularly charming shape)
Miss Tera??? Where? Damn! I must have nodded off... Where's my glass gone??
Oh and BTW I hope that's Quorn Beef and not Corn Beef...
Some of us more spiritual types abstain from the flesh... (Tera is an exception to that rule...)
Seamus... I'm endeavouring to find you some more Lepra-porn. will send it via The Old Doddery, although the way he's coming over like some up-tight landlord he might censor it... Is there any way I can contact you direct or is it got to be through His Holiness?
sorry for the long absense, and when i did return Blogger comments descided to celebrate and threw a wobbler.
j your not alone, my pc is in the autumn of it's life, poor little critter, but i've now got so much stuff on here, changing will be traumatic, not to mention the cost.
ah miss tera, glad you could make it, indeed i may have witnessed you making on one or two occassions, here sit next to Gnome, FK won't be in the least bit jealous, he's married and quite unavailable at present, I'm sure you'll understand
ah it's good to be back...
(winks at FK) hmmm indeed i received your delightful parcel vis carrier pigeon....
(gnome smiled wide and wild)
Tera certainly taken a shine to you Gnomesy, cant see what all the fuss is, lest the lovely lady would like to put on these here elf ears....
eeeeeeeek, no!
...feckin hell, no need to get your knickers in a knot Tera...... it was only a request....
damn it's because i is a Leprechaun..... ain't it......
...discrimination i call it.. you could at least been a bit more sensitive......
(walks out of room carrying pair of plastic ears.... slams door)
Now, at last, dear uhm... Terra, we're all alone. I'll just get the whip and toys and close he place...
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