The tenth game in the Metroid series and the third and final of the main installments in the Metroid Prime trilogy, excluding two spin-off titles. The game takes place six months after the events of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes and introduces a new control system based on the Wii Remote and Nunchuk.
scoring 91% from 16 reviews on Metacritic.com
Reviews Summary
Stunning visuals and immersive gameplay of the finale to the Prime series proves that the Wii is ready for the mainstream gamer
Even with a low difficulty level, lackluster story and flawed unlockables, Metroid Prime 3 is certainly a must-play for Wii owners
The original "Metroid Prime" is one of the highest-rated games in existence, but Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is easily superior
On the whole, Corruption takes advantage of the Wii's biggest strength (with its unique controls), and minimizes its greatest weakness (through astounding art direction)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is by far one of the most enjoyable games to grace the Nintendo Wii to date.
The title delivers everything a Metroid fan could hope for, including spectacular environmental puzzles, epic boss fights and intense combat, all wrapped up in a package that spans multiple worlds and is filled with re-traversal exploration
Official Website
Screenshots IGN
Sample Review Gamespot
Mini Survival Guide

I still cant find a Wii here. Doesn't matter much since im broke anyway. Anyway, this will likely be one of my first Wii titles when I get the system. Until then I gotta pay off my 360.
I'm waiting for the Wii to build a decent library once I purchase one.
As for Metroid Prime... I really loved the original, but it's not the type of game I'd wanna play through again. Maybe the updated controls would change my mind though...
Still sporadic over here Phantasystar, though improving all the time... like ross i'll be waiting for a handful of titles before i purchase.. metroid prime/Zelda.. and thanks to FK Red Steel...
ross never would you beleive have i played a metroid prime game....
Well Elderly you should definitely give Super Metroid a go. A sublime little (now retro) game for the SNES. Oh, and thanks for the rund-up. I'll probably steal a copy for myself...
The game might be good, but I stopped playing Nintendo after the Gamecube. I think you (The Elderly)can tell from reading my blog that I hate Nintendo.
Oh Elderly! You haven't forgotten me... When you get your Wii I'll buy you Metroid 3. I've bought a copy of Metroid Prime 2 for the GC... It's as yet unplayed but it could be the one that arouses me from my gaming/blogging impotence... Maybe this review is a sign... :)
indeed Gnome, right up there with my Angelina Jolie and chips wish, is metroid prime... and it's not a roundup its a setomt! jeez... really ....sometimes...
Indeed Funnyman like Timerunners dislike of Sierra, mine of EA, your hatred of Nintendo is legendary.....
Forgotten you? never... heres your kidnapped chair.. I couldn't bring myself to keep it too long...
You'll buy me Metroid prime 3?
(checks FK's pulse...)
as I thought fever hasn't broken yet...
Gnome If your there Fk's come down with a touch of that maturity infection that's going the rounds.... we'll need some frog urine and oak bark..
poor fecker
I really expect the Wii to be one of those consoles that will fall behind of the 360 and PS 3. I remember how people were saying how the Dreamcast was the best console ever made when it first made its debut. But then the original PlayStation smashed the Dreamcast right out of business. I think that the Wii will have the same fate as the Dreamcast.
I can't say I agree with you, I agree with what Nintendo top man, John Henderson said about rivalries between consoles: the Wii isn't even in the same category as PS3 and Xbox 360. In my opinion while the the PS3 and Xbox 360 duke it out over the throne, the Wii steals it by offering people good, clean fun, not relying at all on graphics but only on gameplay (especially multiplayer)
I don't like Nintendo either,I'm just being realistic.
Nintendo is claiming that the Wii is for everyone, but I disagree. All of the games on the Wii require gamers to stand up. How are people in a Wheelchair going to play a game like that? They can't.
"I remember how people were saying how the Dreamcast was the best console ever made when it first made its debut. But then the original PlayStation smashed the Dreamcast right out of business. I think that the Wii will have the same fate as the Dreamcast."
For a start, the Dreamcast failed to sell units and entice software developers such as EA... The PS2 was a glorified DVD player, but was pitched at just the right time... And advertised effectively too, which the Dreamcast wasn't. Hindsight shows us however, that the Dreamcast was a much more innovative piece of kit... Online gaming, motion sensing controls, voice recognition, Dream Eye camera peripheral, the Visual Memory Unit (which was a handheld game system init's own right...) Plus some graphically stunning games... Soul Calibur still looks fabulous today, as does Space Channel 5... It was just poorly promoted and Sega's budget couldn't compete with the vast resources that Sony had amassed from sales of the PS1...
The fact that there are two new games coming out for the Dreamcast in 2008, a good seven years after it's 'official' demise, is proof of the ongoing love and devotion to the Dreamcast, that's still out there... So even if the Wii WAS the new Dreamcast (which sales and demand prove it most definitely isn't...) it wouldn't be too bad!
"How are people in a Wheelchair going to play a game like that? They can't."
Some wheelchair users are some of the finest athletes on the planet... You ever see a wheelchair basketball games or the musclebound freewheelers that complete the London Marathon every year? I reckon they could probably manage the odd Wii game...
You're funny man...
(I think my posting mojo is returning...)
Wii captured my imagination, but despite this im still wii-less in part because i've such little time at present to devote to gameplaying.
My principle interest in Wii is the retro games catalog and what i hope will be a large catalog of innovative games from indy developers... as FK points out abysmal marketing and a major league competitor led to dreamcasts departure from mainstream sales. Wii is in a different league as spooky mentioned, Wii isn't competing for next gen market... it's ploughing its own furrow and from what i see successfully capturing a niche market left untouched by the big boys... though they could have a serious look at their game pricing.. family entertainment it is, but at a premium price.
I would be disapointed if it fails as funnyman pointed out, in my humble opinion Wii offers a chance to develop the video game medium beyond the standard fare of genres and content we have at present.
And to think I finally got around to buying the first Metroid Prime. I really need to catch up before I even consider this game. It's good that it fits the apex of excellents that is the Prime series. I smell a Wii edition re-release...
You are assuming all people in wheelchairs are athletic fatherkrishna? That does not make much sense.
Most interesting comment thread EVAH?!!!?!!?!
No, it got no tits whatsoever.
Funnyman: "All of the games on the Wii require gamers to stand up."
No, they don't. I play Zelda sitting down. Always have. I know of no current Wii game that requires anyone to stand up. However, some folks, including myself, will stand up for certain games, like tennis or golf, to get into it or even to exercise while playing.
I was *this* close to buying a Dreamcast in '99. But when the ps2 was announced, I held back. By the time the PS2 finally released, it seemed that the fate of the Dreamcast was becoming more obvious, even as an excellent machine as it was/is. I knew many folks who, like me, waited. You don't see that with the Wii very much, present company excepted.
I can't get into here, but the dev time for PS3 and 360 games are so high that I think it's something of a problematic situation for gamers that will probably yield safer games. Because of the low cost of development for the Wii, I think we'll see more interesting games and chances on that platform, much as we're seeing it for the DS now. (And talking with some game developers this weekend, I didn't get any disagreement.)
But to be honest, I think I'll end up owning either the PS3 or 360 in addition to the Wii. But the reliability 360 issues and the ps3 cost are major deterrents.
what an excellent idea a re-release would be, Timerunner, please tell me you heard a little rumour to that effect..... sniff!... oh that smell i believe is gnomes new cologne...
Funnyman, please tell me you don't need to stand up to play wii games... cause thats just dipped my enthusiasm big time.... cant' be having a console where we have to stand... no sireee
thank you gnome, indeed it is rare to see.. oh jeezz... Gnome you haven't... (attempts to tip ex the word "tits" from comment roll....)... right well that's going to take some explaining..
elderly would like to point out that his blog..... topless... nakedness... harmed in the process.... purely coincidental.
phew! guttertalk in one fail swoop you've restored my interest in wii.. thank you thank you
Why would anyone want to stand up while playing video games? It is the most absurd thing I have ever heard about.
well according to my doctor... erm.. I could do with standing up and exercising more often... but walking to the fridge for a beer is plenty exercise for me.....
Standing up to play is not that absurd. After all, how else can you play arcade games?
I've seen people do it when playing football. My son and his friends stand up all the time, well before the Wii came out.
With the Wii, I like to stand specifically for two games (again, *not* required)--golf and baseball. Having played a lot of both, it just feels more natural. But I've played both from the sofa. The point is, with the Wii, I can stand or move, and it adds to the immersion, which almost all games aspire to.
The fact is that the Wii commercials exaggerate the interactivity so as to make a selling point. But the big gestures are hardly required. A flick of the wrist is often all that's needed in the Wii games I've played. That said, it's kinda cool to thrust the Wii remote and nunchuk downwards for a killing blow in Alien Syndrome (which is probably the only cool thing in that game).
I've been gaming for years, and I've never been very interested in Nintendo. But after getting the DS for a birthday, it's been easily my favorite gaming platform. It got me to reconsider the Wii, which I dismissed last year as a joke.
My frustration with the Wii has been the dribble of games we've been getting since May, but that is about to change. I believe the publishers have been screwing up by tacking on Wii controls to PS2 games, but that's not a problem with the Wii itself.
One reason I want to play more games on the Wii is because I'm mainly an RPG player these days, and playing RPGs on the PS2 and Xbox were a pain and felt clunky compared to the PC. Playing Zelda on the Wii changed my mind about playing RPGs on a console. I'm looking forward to Fire Emblem in November.
"You are assuming all people in wheelchairs are athletic fatherkrishna? That does not make much sense."
Nope - I'm not at all... But I think you are under-estimating the mobility that the majority of wheel chair users have in the upper half of their bodies... Certainly enough for playing Wii games...
I do stand up for Wii sports and the sword fights in Red Steel, and thats about it. Even then its a preference not a pre-requisite...
"Standing up to play is not that absurd. After all, how else can you play arcade games? "
No one plays arcade games anymore. This is the year 2008.
I mean 2007. Sorry. I was drinking and typing.
Funnyman! You've totally redeemed yourself! Drinking and typing! You're a man after my own heart...
No one plays arcade games anymore?
Is that why Chuck E. Cheese and Dave & Busters are doing so badly? :)
I don't understand why people spend money on a Wii if they need to exercise. Everyone is going to die sooner or later. Exercising won't prevent death, so you might as well enjoy the life that you have and be grateful. What is it with so many peoples obsession with looks. I am fat as hell, and I am proud of it.
(still no tits, but getting beter and better)
All anyone has to do is compare and contrast the multi console games to notice the conspicuous flaws in the Wii. For instance, Madden is amazing on the 360 and PS 3. But it is a disaster on the Wii. The visuals, audio, and gameplay are egregious on the Wii. It is not fun to play. As a matter of fact, Madden 2006 on the original Xbox and PS 2 are immensely better than new Madden 2008 on the Wii.
funnyman, all you're pointing out is the flaw in the publisher and developer, not the system. And multi-platform games are almost inherently stacked against the Wii because the controls are so different. Game developers & publishers are throwing in waggle without thinking it through because they have to deal with delivering the game on so many other platforms where the controls are similar.
Having played Madden and other football titles going back to Front Page Sports, I enjoyed the controls for the Wii, and I think it is far better than Madden 2007 on the PS2.
The game averages 75 on metacritic, hardly a disaster.
We're also talking about EA, a publisher reviled by a lot of gamers for all platforms.
I don't understand your insistence that the Wii is a failure. If you don't like it, that's your opinion, but that doesn't mean it has to be a piece of crap. Yes, it has lesser graphics and horsepower than the 360 and PS3. So does the DS compared to the PSP, but that doesn't mean the DS has the worse selection of games, not by a long shot.
I'm not trying to convince you the Wii is the best console out there. But it has a lot of merit. And it's very clear looking at the console sales that people judge consoles by their value (cost vs reward), which is the reason the PS2 still outsells the PS3 and 360.
And value is a judgement call, because individuals define what is too expensive and what are good rewards.
EA was only 1 example. There are a bevy of multi console games in which the Wii is the worse iteration. The Wii is the least expensive. That is why it is selling more than the 360 and the PS 3. Parents buy it for their children because the majority of the Wii's content does not have any inappropriate things like sex, drugs, violence, and various other things in their games.
(attempts to erase Gnomes "tits" post... fails miserably....compares bellies instead....)
As a future Wii purchaser I'm quite happy to accept that multi-platform releases won't stand up (pardon the pun) graphics wise on Wii.. I'll be buying a Wii for it's growing retro catalogue and I hope, like guttertalk the odd exclusive rpg.
As a recent purchaser of Two Worlds on the 360 (please don't laugh...) I can attest that next gen dosen't filter poorly developed, unfinished, bug infected games.
(heads off to make tea... )
Blaming EA and various game companies for Nintendo's shortcomings is illogical. Using gaming companies as a scapegoat is ludicrous. Nintendo has to look at themselves in the mirror for their flaws.
" I am fat as hell, and I am proud of it."
You know the more I know of you Funnyman, the more I find we have in common...
The Wii is a doozy though! In anideal world I'm sure we'd all have all consoles. Oh and I still quite enjoy playing Arcade games though...
The point I was trying to make was that the Wii is selling more than the 360 and the PS 3 because of the content and the price. It is NOT because of the quality.
(compares bellies with FK....) hey your cheating... (holds FK's nose...)
wow seems we all have something in common.... and i fully agree in a ideal world we'd have every console adn the occassional arcade classic... (an indoor bar, a jazuzzi and Angelina Jolie's mobile phone number..)
A quick look on gamestops reveals
Wii (with wiiplay) $349
prem game $49.99
Xbox 360 no games $349
prem game $59.99
Ps3 60gig no games $499.99
prem game $59.99
the wii has the upper hand with apparent value, but only by a sliver
yep with the xbox price drop on the horizon, my dream of owning all consoles is getting that much closer...
*breathes out expanding belly size by 33%* DAMN!
phew!.... (releases belly...) I'm glad you did that FK the tension was killing me.... (compares belly sizes...)
I was merely making a precocious observation. I really do expect Microsoft and Sony to reign supreme over Nintendo in a few years.
precocious indeed though both Microsoft and Sony have p+**&& me off no end in recent years...
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