Reviews Summary
Pretty darn good, a 60 hour long Japanese RPG crafted in a short time space
Predictable entertaining plot, graphics are a mixed bag
A nice start for a next-gen RPG
Hard to recommend except for die-hard RPG fans
Highlights can't match similar burning brigthly on ps2
Enchanted Arms eyecandy list from Xboxyde
Official Enchanted Arms Website (japanese)
Ubisoft's official enchanted arms game page (english)
Famitsu enchant arms eyecandy
Screenshot overload from IGN (108 images, 29 videos)

Visually it's quite the looker, if I may say so.... And @ 60 hours quite a laster (?)
Are there any naked ladies to be found?
ah...... (checks wikipedia)......
no but you could imagine they were naked.... I do it everyday.....
well not everyday, rarely in fact, hardly ever........ can't even remember the last time i did that must have been years ago.
(gives eledrly a hanky)
I totally understand what mean, it was after all an academic question...
(commenting is getting extremely difficult... the word verification pics refuse to show...)
sorry bout the hastle with the verification.... I went to comment last night at around 9pm, blog loaded fine but no comment box.. strange... still theres a vast improvement in loading times..... when it is working...
(wipes sweat from forehead, hands back soggy hanky)
Uhm...for what?
?..... for the hankie....
Ah. Yes. Right. It was indeed a perfect one.
oops! i've got paper ones..... no sentimentality with a paper one, you just blow and go.... here let me have it back i'll dry clean it....
So Elderly, did you end up purchasing this one..?
There were alot of high hopes for it and I have not seen any good reviews as of yet...
Im passing on it myself.
bargain bin purchase yes.... if i can spare 60hrs plus..... which judging from my oblivion epic is unlikely
Speaking of--- I played some myself this weekend! I've started the main quest and now random Oblivion gates are everywhere.. So Im just traveling around trying to find them all... lots of goodies there too!
i levelled too quick, ever gate is now a chore..... im getting to the stage i've got to run past the assortment of baddies to get the stone........ although things have improved over the last few hours of gameplay.....
(gnome just takes his hanky, which apparently is a self cleaning and rather high-tech one)
self cleaning? which makes me wonder why God didn't make us self cleaning... auto shaving.... he could a done it... maybe he had a busy day that day....
Hmmm... probably... Then again he might haven't been able to find a parking spot or something...
when you put it like that, it's entirely plausible, still he'd should left earlier.... i mean after all he invented traffic jams..... or did we do that on our own....
He didn't, but before that he couldn't find his shaving machine, which led to a chain of unfortunate events..
what god's got a shaving machine... hows that work then? i mean you'd think he'd let us have one as well.. do you think he likes people with beards then?
He does like gnomes.. that should lead somewhere...
(picks up gnomes trailing comment....) here..... wait it's all dusty, let me wash it first......
you were saying?
Nothing really... go to sleep.. it's really late...
Oh, and, apparently kwgjgxokki
(quite a smiley)
who said that.........!!
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