Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Bully The Walkthrough

A dark comedy set in the most vile and sadistic setting yet, the schoolyard. As a troublesome schoolboy, you'll laugh and cringe as you stand up to bullies, get picked on by teachers, play pranks on malicious kids, win or lose the girl, and ultimately learn to navigate the obstacles of the fictitious reform school, Bullworth Academy. But your stuck! not for long, the following walkthrough links will soon sort things out......

The essential Gamefaq collection, 3 whole Walkthroughs

Mycheats.Com Superguide (in progress)

Official Bully Website (wallpaper, screensavers, buddy icons)

Screenshots (115) Videos (10) from IGN.Com

The Bully Controversy a potted link history
Judge to decide "how bad" bully is
Jack Thompson (the judge) no prohibition on Bully
Make out with girls and boys in Bully
Jack Thompson could be jailed over Bully
Jack Thompson suggest boy on boy kissing isn't suitable for esrb-T rating

Clickable inkies


gnome said...

Seems like a decent GTA thingy... Now, let's see when the PC version arrives... Guess in a year or two...

Unknown said...

it'll be on torrent release long before that....

am wheres your dad at these days?

gnome said...

Frolicking in the fields and neglecting his shotgun, apparently....

Torrents you say? Wait till Timerunner finds out...

Unknown said...

.... in the fields, nows our chance to disable his shotgun.... think Gnome, Walkthroughs stretching the entire lenght of the blogosphere without fear of death or serious injury........ you do have the key to his shotgun cabinet i trust?

(pust tip ex over word "torrents"...)

Heriberto said...

I'd love to see it. I want to know how funny this movie. I'll look for it. But whether it is still there?