A remaking of the first tomb raider game released in 1995, and due June 1st in US, June 5th in Eu, but confined to PS2, PSP, PC, and Wii .
Yes it appears they've done the business scoring 82% from just 4 reviews on metacritic.com
....there is a God!!!
Reviews Summary
What it does is excite, impress and enthral like nothing else
Beautifully balanced melding of old and new values that creates an experience that's surprisingly fresh
A riveting and sumptuous adventure.
The Tomb Raider game we've been waiting for
Taking on the environment, something rare amongst today big budget releases
The Five Faces of Lara
Official Website
Screenshots from IGN
all "tomb raider anniversary" posts

Nice to see they did a good job on one.... I will wait for MGS 4 tho'.. lol
Aaahh shoot! I don't have a ps3... nevermind.
Hah! I knew it would be a good one. Busty too, just like the old days...
Horny little Gnomes anyway..!
I've got the original for the Saturn and despite it's pixeltastic graphics the gameplay id quite sublime...
I feel the need to play it out in it's original format, although I've no doubt I'll invest in this remake, just 'cos Lara is looking so damn fine... LOL!;)
the original on the playstation was indeed sublime FK, ... hopefully I can re-live some of those happy games with this release, being devoid of PSone
..MGS4 is certainly worth the wait Deitrix, but an investment of such proportion in a console.. nah Lara will be in my hands soon (evil laughter....)
Busty is a selling point Gnome, more a skintight khaki shorts man myself....
(evil laughter...)
...where the hell is that coming from?
Khaki shorts manufacturers?
most likely mr.Gnome, never miss an opportunity them khaki shorts manufactures... bless em.....
The original on the Saturn! *Cough! Playstation?* What's that????
originally released 1996 for DOS, PlayStation, and Sega Saturn. I'm terribly terribly sorry....
...this dosen't cancel my sanshiro membership does it? only i've got accustomed to wearing the wig...
look i'll genuflect the next time i pass a Saturn... would that work?
Don't worry Mr. Elderly, Segata, our lord and Savior also had a PC...
(bows to fellow devotee...) thank you your spiritual support has gotten me past this frightening time..... phew!
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