Saturday, January 27, 2007

Horror Wallpaper

Hello Seamus the leprechaun here, guest blogger on the rickity gamer, not safe for work is normally my middle name, but unfortunately elderly has me on a short lead, quoting chapter and verse about nudity and blogger. So this is the best I can do till the old fella falls asleep.
hopefully for a very long time

Clickable inkies


fatherkrishna said...

I might be missing something here Seamus, but although these pictures are beautifully horrific, I can't see Sagata Sanshiro anywhere... Please point out to me where he features...

Oh, by the way, how are you and Gnomey getting along, or is it to early to say?

I do hope he's behaving like a gentleman... Personally I thought he was a bit, you know... forward the other day, cutting straight to the ears and all....

fatherkrishna said...

Oh and as soon as old Rickety nods off post loads of Tera Patrick wearing as little clothes as possible... There's a drink in it for you... ;)

Anonymous said...

drink? (grind ups more sleeping tablets for elderlies cocoa........)

Unknown said...

(grinding like an anti-christ)

What Gnome forward? how do you mean?

fatherkrishna said...

FK sings...
"Rock a bye baby,
On the tree top,
When the wind blows..."

Seamus!!! Is he gone yet??

Great! Tera Patrick!!!! Come on man...

Crack to it!!!

gnome said...


(shoots father between the eyes)

This should settle it.

Let's go luv...

(Seamus and gnome go for a drink)

fatherkrishna said...

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
I just nearly pissed myself laughing at that Gnome! Very funny indeed... touche'you win! No more silliness about you and Seamus.
I know your just good ethereal friends!!

Anonymous said... your calling me an etherealist are ya......

(rolls up sleeves, puts two tiny fists in the air......)

if I knew what it meant i'd fight ya for it.... (puts down fists...) but i dont' so

....hi ho, hi ho off to the pub we go

Unknown said...

Thank god for that!

Anonymous said...

Disturbing wallpaper = :thumbsup: :)

Edit: O.k.; this is getting out of hand: my verification pass is: wdzjaxbi


I'm trying to avoid having yet another login/password, but it seems like I will be forced to cave in :(

NSonic79 said...

I love them. I must have one for my birthday and to put as a desktop. Now if only I had the setup ready in the event that my wife sees one of them and later swears to never enter the computer room again...

gnome said...

Ahhhh, dear FK, dear Elderly, beloved Seamus... you're all such a merry funny little bunch. Or band. Of brothers even...

Anonymous said...

(emerges from underneath the blogger hood, coated in oil holding a screwdriver)
thanks RC, sorry bout the word verification... it should behave differently now.....

(passes Timerunner a pair of womens knickers....) that oughta do the trick......

merry? not yet, looks like your ahead of us....

(passes out elderlies tequila.. to all and sundry....)

Anonymous said...

Seamus what did you do to the blogger settings........?

Anonymous said...

...I don't know to what you is infering.... (slug...) why is there problems mr.elderly... sir..

gnome said...


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

"gnome said...

Ahhhh, dear FK, dear Elderly, beloved Seamus... you're all such a merry funny little bunch."

yea ya'll are....