Saturday, August 25, 2007

Bioshock Walkthrough

Unless you wish to buy, register for, or rent out your granny to read one, Freely available walkthroughs online are becoming increasingly rare. No different is the case of Bioshock with the following guides all i've managed to find following a ten page search of google. If you've played the game, have any snippets of info other Rapture visitors would be interested in please, let us know by dropping a comment or adding a link in the comments section at the bottom of this post.

thank you in advance, you incredibly beautiful person you.

Walkthroughs to date
Chrisvig2 and Grawl on Gamefaq
Gamespot guide online
Official through the looking glass Forum
Widescreen and Tweaking Guide
(links after "Disclaimer" )

Bioshock Related:
Bioshock Faceplates
Bioshock Artbook Free pdf
Official Website
Cult of Rapture Site (wallpaper, aim icons)
Bishock Free Soundtrack on Gnomeslair

Clickable inkies


The Sports Satirist said...

I don't know why anyone would need a walkthrough. It is very easy to figure out what to do. Plus there is a map and directions on how to get there.

gnome said...

Still, it'll probably come in more than handy. Oh, and I just finished the PC demo of the thing. Amazing!

Unknown said...

hi funnyman, well apparently 39 people in the last hour found some reason to want it, haven't had to use it myself yet, but there are a number of burning questions i need answered......

Gnome you've got a computer that can play the Bioshock demo..... sigh!.. Gnomes are lucky!.... put on the kettle i'll be over shortly....

The Sports Satirist said...

How do you know 39 people wanted it?

Unknown said...

Sitemeter.. (little tag at bottom of page...) from google searchs for "bioshock walkthrough"

fatherkrishna said...

We all need a walkthrough every now and then! I love walkthroughs!
And the TV adverts for this game wirh its "Somewhwere, under the sea" Soundtrack has got my 360 envy through the roof...

gnome said...

Actually I've got a pretty ancient PC and was more than shocked to see Bioshock respectably running...

The Sports Satirist said...

Well, you need a futuristic PC to even play the game at its optimum level on a PC. You can only install the game twice on a PC. Installation takes forever. On the console, you just hit power and play. It's as simple as that. I never play games on a PC, unless it is a PC exclusive.

Unknown said...

elderly would like to point out that he takes no responsibility for any content likely to cause feelings of envy or nausea. Elderly would also like to point out that sick bags and sea sickness tablets are available on request.. thank you for your understanding..

hi FK... the intermittent retro music clips play throughout the game and really capture the mood...

Good on your PC Gnome (pins medal on Gnomes PC)... the smoke rising from the back gave me some concern though I admit

Indeed Funnyman to my chagrin i've once again abandoned a brief pc gaming period.. it's too bloody uncomfortable, so i've got an abandoned dreamfall game i must go back to.... time to invest in a decent chair....

Anonymous said...

I can play evrything on max
whithout getting no less than 20fps
with the 6800ultra in my pc.
and the install of the game only took 3min, when i installed it.You can install it 5 times and then you just have to activate it though the phone till they take the activation off.
sorry about my shit grammar and spelling.

Unknown said...

Grammar is perfect anon, and thank you for that.. 3min install time is excelletn, i hadn't dared even try to install it on much loved heap of junk..

Anonymous said...

thanks elderly!
well its a great game and as long as u have a gig of ram and a 6600 or above you will be able to play it ..
not on high settings though, but when i play the game i close most of my background tasks to make the game run smoother and load faster.

gnome said...

Besides, even on medium settings Bioshock looks bloody fantastic. And the storytelling is definitely hardware independent.

Oh, and do reconsider PC gaming everyone. The variety is staggering.

Unknown said...

hi anon a gig of ram!!.... still labouring with 256mb damn.. i do need to upgrade...

I agree Gnome... much more variety, free content, prolonged life for games in the shape of mods.. PC gaming is the ultimate.... but my bloody chair will have to go.. it's too ucomfortable for prolonged playin sessions....

gnome said...

Yes, hmmm, I see. But torrents make a chair feel much nicer you know...

Thomas Mulrooney said...

I should really at least try to see if Bioshock works on my PC. I've got more than enough RAM but I'm worried about my graphics card.

As for walkthroughs always seem to have at least one for 95% of games.

Unknown said...

..yes Gnome.. indeed a most excellent point.. oh the joy of torrents.....

Gamefaq are the biz Tom and your estimation is spot on... but there was a time you could find say a half dozen contributors for any give game.... while it's early days, two authors for a game as large as bioshocks was to me a tad worrying. the founder of gamefaq retired recently... so i'm just a hoping they keep up the idea.....

The Sports Satirist said...

Don't have time to be squandering money on walkthroughs when Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed are coming out.

Unknown said...

squandering time on working is going to be my biggest problem when Mass effect and assasins come out....

hi Gnome.. (waves to Gnome...)

gnome said...

(waves back)

Unknown said...

(Waves back more vigorously....)

Anonymous said...

I have a gig of ram and a geforce 7600gs and the game (on max settings) freezes when i try to switch between levels.. now on lower settings its fine and its the best game i've played in a very long time.. however i know y it freezes..ppl make sure your processor is atleast reccommended.. i have a athlon 64 3000+...about a 2.2GHz...

gnome said...

(stops waving, smiles)


The Sports Satirist said...

Just play it on the 360 Anonymous.

Unknown said...

Thanks Anonymous, something i never check is the recommended processor.. I mean never... glad you gave us the heads up... now committed to long term memory....

stops waving... sticks tongue out at Gnome....

360 does take the pain away Funnyman, but we miss out the mods.. and they can be quite incredible...

Anonymous said...

I'm so at a loss for my install. First one freezes at the last file and this time around its been going for 2 hours and 12 minutes... but its not stuck.. its actually going through the files? bugger is this shit? anyone else had issues like this? I know the new Medal of Honor people are having install times over 4 hours because of the unpacking. but isnt this a different game?

just wondering on some input from anyone


Unknown said...

aye anon sorry to hear that, unfortunately you and hundreds others are having difficulty with Bioshock installation... all i can do is point you towards the Bioshock site... there are a plethora of amateur installation fixes.. some using daemon tools (software) but i'd prefer to go with the official workarounds... see

Anonymous said...

yea, it runs perffect on my computer all the video settings are maxed out, and the sound is awesome if you can get your hands on a 5.1 card/system. but it's only ever run slow once, because i was watching a movie on the second monitor :)

Unknown said...

wow! 5.1 on my PC.... what i wouldn't give... (checks piggy bank....) thanks for comment anonymous..

Anonymous said...

Here's one for the 360 that came up through a google search.. appears to be complete.. I'll be testing it out tonight..

Anonymous said...

When you get reach the Telekinesis plasmid, you only have 2 slots and you have to give up either Incinerate or Electro Bolt...which one do you drop?! And how long will it be til you can purchase the one you replace from a Gatherer Garden? I doubt I will get a reply in time because I'm staring at the screen where I have to choose right now and I can't cancel out! Bah =(

Anonymous said...

This walkthrough tells you how to get 100% completion of the game with a detailed description of how to play the game -