Saturday, November 05, 2011

The KORE Gang (Wii) - Official Trailer

Due for dropping US November 8th for Wii.

An alien invasion threatens Earth and the team looking to stop it is the Kore Gang.

Explore a vast game universe packed with action, puzzles and countless surprises. Meet strange characters and even stranger creatures as you unravel the game's off-the-wall storyline. Become the leader of a wacked-out team three times more demented, three times weirder, and three times stronger than one hero alone!
Esrb advisory: Cartoon Violence, Comic Mischief, Mild Language, and wait for it...."Tobacco Reference"


gnome said...

Not tobacco reference surely?

What will the children do?

Will nobody think of them.

We've got to thoroughly discuss this. And the future of the Wii too.

(lights cigarette)

Ashtray please?

Unknown said...

Alf!!!!!! ashtray for Gnomesey!!!

Won't be a minute Gnome, indeed this is a disturbing reference, (lights havana cigar....) Next they'll be producing non smoking games ;( can't be having that..


gnome said...

Ah, yes, thank you Alf.

(pets Alf behind the ears)

Now, what were we saying? Ah, yes. Non smoking games. Bah. A disgrace. Whatever happened to the classics of the Nouvelle Vague?

Unknown said...

(blows out large ring of cigar smoke....)

Indeed Gnome, the World is changing and we have our fingers on the jugular of humanity....

After this European drama pans out, we'll have people willing to work for food and shelter instead of wages... just think of our profits....


Alf the Helper said...

(Alf purrs.....)

gnome said...

They are willing arent they?

Who's a good Alf?

Excellent idea Elderly!

Unknown said...

(Inhales deeply... frowns at Alf...)

Wish it were mine, nope that G bloody 20 again.. thank heavens there on our side...

Alf haven't you got work to be doing....

Alf the Helper said...


gnome said...

We could meanwhile compose a new G20 anthem. As a way of thanking them...

Unknown said...

An anthem??

With the right words, and a satirical producer....

Right Let's put pen to paper this instant...

G 20 we got it a plenty
Getting down with the ... the...


maybe we should star on the chorus first...

Do Anthem's have choruses?