What are emagazines?
Essentially online or dowloadable magazines, featuring enhanced multimedia content, such as flash animations or Video.
What do you need to read a Gamerzines emagazine?
* Adobe Reader version 6 or above. If you have installed Internet Explorer 7 (whether you use it or not), Gamerzines recommend you upgrade to version 8. It ensures all features work correctly. Because Adobe Reader is a plugin for Internet Explorer, you need to upgrade to the latest version that has been written to work with Internet Explorer 7, or the multimedia elements may not work correctly.
If you experience any difficulties with your Adobe reader, just hit the "Esc"key at any time.
* Adobe Flash (should be pre-installed on Windows)
* Windows Media Player version 10 or above (version 9 should be pre-installed on Windows and should work, but Gamerzines recommend version 10. Try installing the latest version if you experience video playback difficulties.)
Visit the Gamerzines "About us" page
If you've read the above go straight to the download page

Seamus! Come back you ...
DOH! There is no heat... as long as you're one of the Segata bretheren there never can be...
Get your wig on, stand up straight and join in with the tune...
1,2,3... Say-Gah-San...etc...
(hiding under duvet cover, awaiting email response from Father Krishna...)
(sneaks into Mr. E's cover for a sec)
Uhm, nice mags Mr elderly, shame about the mbeded videos...
(sneaks out)
Hello Father!
(jumps out of cover....) embedded videos?
runs off to research.......
well the feckin batards..... post amended...... thank you gnome, nasty nasty little files.....
Erm, this post is completely incorrect. It does not "take over your computer". It opens in full screen mode, which Adobe Reader 8 allows you to stop anyway if you don't want it to. If you do, there is a Toggle button at the bottom, to switch back to windowed mode.
As to placing itself in the "Temp" folder. All downloads do that - it's what the Temp folder is for.
The embedded media is mentioned all over the site.
thank you David for coming back to me on this, just a few points I'd like to raise, as i mentioned I only got wind of this issue when some of my regulars warned me about the whole sorry mess.
If I download any file from the net I do not expect it to automatically load itself on my screen, I expect a pdf file to wait patiently in my download folder until i decide to open it. Neither do I expect it to download itself to my temp folder, when i've set a preference for dowloads to a nominated download folder.
How many users have adobe acrobat 8? what browser are we recommending? and where would I find that detail on your download page?
Personally i have Adobe 7, and firefox and it was a mild nightmare to close the screen afterwards.
The embedded media may well be mentioned all over the site, but not once do you mention it on the bloody download page that Ireferred my visitors to.
If your so proud of the embedded content why don't you tell us all about it on the download page?
Now if you'd be so good as to come back to me and tell me which part of the "completely incorrect" post was completely incorrect?
OK, let's look, shall we? The PDF does not "load itself" or "take over your computer". That is factually inaccurate. When you download it, it downloads, just like any file does. It downloads to any destination you choose, making use of the Temp folder as it downloads if you are using IE - this is how Windows works - if you don't "expect" it to do this, then drop Mr Gates a line. It has nothing to do with the PDF or the site. How on earth could a download affect a local file BEFORE it has even downloaded?
The only reason it would load automatically when it has downloaded is if you have selected "Open this file" rather than "Download" in the IE Save as dialog. This is all YOUR choice. We have no control over what you choose to do.
I would appreciate it if you would update your post so that it is not incorrect in its discussion of file handling.
Taking the file from full screen to windowed mode means clicking a single button on screen, or pressing Esc. Hardly a "nightmare". It opens in full screen mode simply because it makes a magazine easier to read - most emagazines do this.
Erm, the embedded media is mentioned on every page - it is part of the reader endorsements right at the top of the page! Maybe we could put some more info about it on the main page's introduction text as well? To be perfectly honest, this is the first time someone hasn't known about it. The About Us page is a pretty good page to look at on any site that you visit, I find.
Oh, and I'd also appreciate it if you would remove the "Warning Autoloading content" from the image at the top of the screen as this is also incorrect, as discussed in last post.
thanks David, im currently amending the post, I've checked the download options again and you are indeed quite correct, i had the option of saving the file or opening it on download, im sorry!
id have been a quite happy bunny oblivious to the embedded content if i hadn't been alerted to the issue by some of my regulars. I admit my eyesight isn't what it used to be, nor do i have time to visit the quite fantastic "About us" page. So with due respect there is no clear mention of embedded content on the download page, i humbly suggest that some other means of alerting people to the embedded content be clearly displayed on the download page, it isn't obvious.
Adobe acrobat 7 didn't behave as it should and i sincerely experienced difficulties on adobe acrobat 7, closing the full screen format. Im now switching to adobe acrobat 8.
im also restoring the link, and using a quote from your own website, re the embedded content. i'll alert the regulars who contacted me, that things aren't as bad as previously thought.
thank you for taking the time to deal with this
uhm... still, it isn't the most readable thing around, is it? And usually opening it and flicking through a few pages does tend to freeze the reader... Even for a few minutes, that is...
David said i should upgrade to Adobe 8? which version of adobe are you using dear Gnome?
Well, I would recommend upgrading to Reader 8 to anyone anyway - it's the only version designed to work with Internet Explorer 7 - previous versions aren't fully compatible and so PDFs don't work 100% whether you're viewing the PDF in the browser or in the standalone Reader.
Also, Reader 8 has several security fixes and enhanced viewing options, which make it easier to navigate pages like ours - zoom and pan for example.
well you converted me, upgraded Adobe reader now snugly installed on my PC,
Glad you've got it sorted.
I'd rather have a coffee though, if I may! ;-)
I'd rather have both... Oh, and an upgrade to Acrobat 8 too... Quite a fuss that..
(brews up a pot of strong coffee.... brings in plate of custard creams for his assembled guests, pours coffee into Gnomes Tea....hits the automatic download Adobe Acrobat 8 button on Gnomes computer...)
Right where were we....?
(smoke rises from the back of Gnomes computer....)
Uhm, I was sure my PC had given up smoking, really. Anyway. I don't want no stinking Acrobat 8. Neither coffee in my tea, please.
..right well deary me, this comment strip hasn't been my best of achievements... i'll make you a fresh cup of tea gnome.. forgive me....
(on his way to computer, elderly pours tea/coffee down back of Gnomes computer...)
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